Commerce international France , spécialiste de l'emploi dans les métiers liés à l'Export, l'international et l'Expatriation. Site simple et convivial: import export, emploi export, expatriation, offre d'emploi international, commerce international, marketing interational, communication, responsable export, responsable de zone, assistante export, directeur export.
Business Administration Jobs
Many people have a BBA or MBA, a bachelor’s or master’s degree of business administration. Business administration includes COO, ice president,president, CEO,v... Lire la suite
Publié le 16 novembre 2009 FOCUS EMPLOI -
Business Management Jobs
The work or job that involves Managing others or handling over seas projects is called business management job. Managers are needed in a wide range of... Lire la suite
Publié le 15 novembre 2009 FOCUS EMPLOI -
Education, Training and Library Occupations
some jobs give more rewards than teaching. some people go to schools and colleges to give knowledge to others,as second carrier. Also, do not hesitate to... Lire la suite
Publié le 13 novembre 2009 FOCUS EMPLOI -
How to Build Resume
Resume is written document a)Working experience,b)Skills,c)Educational background.The order of these items deponds on ones strongest field. Lire la suite
Publié le 16 octobre 2009 FOCUS EMPLOI -
Information technology Guidance
Now days Information technology has great boom.Our great scintists have made great discoveries and inventions.Technology has changed thinking of world. Lire la suite
Publié le 11 octobre 2009 FOCUS EMPLOI