Now forgotten and eclipsed by Milt Hinton, his brilliant successor in Calloway’s orchestra, Albert ‘Al’ MORGAN (August 19, 1908, New Orleans – April 14, 1974, Los Angeles), however, benefits from the image of an exceptional double bass player, considered one of the pioneers of slapping, in the same ranks as Wellman Braud or Pops Foster. During his career, Al Morgan walked his bass from the Riverboats on the Mississippi to New York, Europe, Boston, and Hollywood. PART 2: After Cab Calloway, in California Read the full story →

Cab Calloway on Television: 1 - The Thirties

Before merchandized television sets were sold to the American customer, a couple of movies using the primitive and experimental television as a futuristic subject of fantasy welcomed Cab Calloway in a couple of scenes. And that started as early as 1933! In this first episode in our series "Cab Calloway on Television" by decades, we'll see that even when the television invention is at its dawn, Cab Calloway already has many assets to become one of the new big stars of the small screen... Read the full story →

Mabel GARRETT, The Story of a Cotton Club Girl (1/2)

Appearing just a few seconds dancing with Cab Calloway in the movie Manhattan Merry-Go-Round (1937), this graceful, tall and jumping dancer remained unidentified until we asked jazz dance historian Harri HEINILÄ from Helsinki to help us. Then, with the name in mind, after several weeks of research, we are now able to tell you the story of Mabel GARRETT whose dancing feet crossed those of Cab Calloway many times as well as the path of many other artists of the Harlem scene. A journey with one of those performers who made it on Broadway, on Harlem stages and then had to struggle when hard times come with age… Read the full story →