Sabena technics nomme un nouveau directeur général pour son site de bordeaux

Publié le 14 avril 2022 par Toulouseweb

Sabena technics, expert de la maintenance et des modifications aéronautiques, annonce la nomination de Pierre-Emmanuel Wolff en tant que nouveau Directeur Général de son site bordelais. Il fera partie du Comité Exécutif du Groupe.

Pierre-Emmanuel Wolff, diplômé de l’Ecole Nationale des Arts & Métiers, a débuté sa carrière en tant qu’ingénieur et bénéficie de plus de 25 ans d’expérience en management. Il a occupé plusieurs postes de haut rang, dans l’industrie ferroviaire d’abord puis aéronautique, notamment en tant que Directeur Industriel de Stelia Aerospace à Rochefort.

Avant de rejoindre Sabena technics, Pierre-Emmanuel a passé onze années au sein du Groupe
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus, durant lesquelles il a contribué au développement de la société à travers diverses fonctions stratégiques.

« L’expérience de Pierre-Emmanuel ainsi que ses qualités de leadership sont des atouts précieux pour assurer la Direction de notre site de Bordeaux et continuer de servir nos clients avec succès. Je suis convaincu de sa totale participation dans la stratégie d’excellence industrielle et de développement de notre Groupe », indique Philippe Rochet, Président du Groupe.

A l’aéroport de Bordeaux-Mérignac, Sabena technics emploie plus de 1000 collaborateurs. Sur ce site, le Groupe dispose de capacités de maintenance et de modifications sur une large gamme d’avions civils (moyens et gros porteurs) et militaires. Les activités d’entretien des cellules et de réparation d’équipements sont effectuées au sein de huit hangars et divers ateliers, répartis sur plus de 100 000 m2 d’installations techniques. Le site de Mérignac dispose de compétences élargies au travers d’un bureau d’études (
EASA enjoys technical, financial and legal autonomy to ensure the highest common level of safety protection for EU citizens within the EU and worldwide, to ensure the highest common level of environmental protection, to avoid duplication in the regulatory and certification processes among Member States and to facilitate the creation of an internal EU aviation market.
EASA also plays a leading role within the EU External Aviation Policy: the Agency is a strong counterpart of other Aviation Authorities outside the EU (e.g. USA, Canada, Brazil) and a major contributor to the export of the EU aviation standards worldwide, in order to promote the free movement of EU aeronautical products, professionals and services throughout the world." href="" class="glossaryLink ">EASA
Part 21J), d’une unité de fabrication (
EASA enjoys technical, financial and legal autonomy to ensure the highest common level of safety protection for EU citizens within the EU and worldwide, to ensure the highest common level of environmental protection, to avoid duplication in the regulatory and certification processes among Member States and to facilitate the creation of an internal EU aviation market.
EASA also plays a leading role within the EU External Aviation Policy: the Agency is a strong counterpart of other Aviation Authorities outside the EU (e.g. USA, Canada, Brazil) and a major contributor to the export of the EU aviation standards worldwide, in order to promote the free movement of EU aeronautical products, professionals and services throughout the world." href="" class="glossaryLink ">EASA
Part 21G) et d’un centre de formation qualifiantes (
EASA enjoys technical, financial and legal autonomy to ensure the highest common level of safety protection for EU citizens within the EU and worldwide, to ensure the highest common level of environmental protection, to avoid duplication in the regulatory and certification processes among Member States and to facilitate the creation of an internal EU aviation market.
EASA also plays a leading role within the EU External Aviation Policy: the Agency is a strong counterpart of other Aviation Authorities outside the EU (e.g. USA, Canada, Brazil) and a major contributor to the export of the EU aviation standards worldwide, in order to promote the free movement of EU aeronautical products, professionals and services throughout the world." href="" class="glossaryLink ">EASA
Part 14).

Source : Sabena technics