Paris, le 10 novembre 2021 –
Korean Air a participé fin octobre au Salon international de
l’industrie aérospatiale et de la défense de Séoul 2021 (ADEX 2021). Il
s’agit de la plus grande exposition de l’industrie aérospatiale et de la
défense de Corée du Sud, qui s’est tenue du 23 au 26 octobre, à
l’aéroport de Séoul, à Seongnam.
Korean Air : coopération avec
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Its broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family; integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-enabled solutions; creating advanced technology solutions; and arranging innovative customer-financing options.
With corporate offices in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 165,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.
Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Supporting these units are Boeing Capital Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions; Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide; and Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Boeing pour la maintenance des hélicoptères militaires
l’ADEX, Korean Air a signé un protocole d’accord avec
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Its broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family; integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-enabled solutions; creating advanced technology solutions; and arranging innovative customer-financing options.
With corporate offices in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 165,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.
Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Supporting these units are Boeing Capital Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions; Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide; and Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Boeing pour une
coopération technique dans le domaine de la maintenance des
hélicoptères. Dans le cadre de cet accord, Korean Air et
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Its broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family; integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-enabled solutions; creating advanced technology solutions; and arranging innovative customer-financing options.
With corporate offices in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 165,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.
Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Supporting these units are Boeing Capital Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions; Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide; and Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Boeing
coopéreront dans le domaine de la maintenance, de la réparation et de la
révision (MRO) afin d’optimiser l’entretien des hélicoptères de l’armée
sud-coréenne, notamment les hélicoptères Apache Guardian et Chinook.
Air dispose du plus vaste programme d’optimisation des performances et
de la plus grande infrastructure de maintenance pour avions militaires
de la région Asie-Pacifique. La compagnie a déjà effectué la maintenance
et l’optimisation des performances de plus de 4 700 chasseurs, avions
de transport et hélicoptères militaires coréens et américains.
Korean Air s’associe à Insitu (filiale de
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Its broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family; integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-enabled solutions; creating advanced technology solutions; and arranging innovative customer-financing options.
With corporate offices in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 165,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.
Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Supporting these units are Boeing Capital Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions; Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide; and Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Boeing) pour le développement de véhicules aériens sans pilote
Air a également signé le 21 octobre un protocole d’accord avec Insitu
en vue d’une coopération technique visant à développer un véhicule
aérien tactique sans pilote (UAV) léger et modulaire qui décolle et
atterrit verticalement.
combinant les technologies de base des deux entreprises, la compagnie
aérienne coréenne développe des synergies : l’expertise de Korean Air en
matière de développement et de production de drones et les technologies
de pointe d’Insitu en matière de drones, notamment l’équipement de
mission haute performance, l’optimisation des systèmes et l’association
homme-non-agent (MUM-T).
à sa technologie de classe mondiale et à son expertise dans le secteur
des drones, Korean Air est pionnière sur le marché coréen des drones. La
compagnie aérienne dispose d’une large gamme de drones, notamment des
drones stratégiques haute performance de 5 tonnes, des drones à rotors
basculants, des drones furtifs de nouvelle génération, des hélicoptères
sans pilote multi-rôles et des drones hybrides. Le véhicule aérien sans
pilote « KUS-FT » de Korean Air a récemment été reconnu par l’Académie nationale d’ingénierie de Corée (NAEK) comme l’une des « 15 meilleures réalisations technologiques industrielles de 2021 ».
Air développe également un drone de transport et de croisière avancé :
le KUS-VS. Sa technologie « lift & cruise » utilise une propulsion
indépendante pour la sustentation et le vol, permettant à la fois un
décollage et un atterrissage verticaux (VTOL) et des vitesses de vol
Korean Air et Sikorsky : célébration de 30 années de collaboration avec le Black Hawk
Air et le fabricant américain d’hélicoptères Sikorsky, propriété de
Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 112,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Lockheed Martin, ont célébré 30 ans de coopération sur la « technologie UH-60 Black Hawk » lors de l’ADEX 2021.
coopération entre Korean Air et Sikorsky a débuté en 1990 avec un
accord de licence pour l’hélicoptère UH-60P Black Hawk. Au cours des
neuf années suivantes, Korean Air a produit et livré 130 appareils à
l’armée sud-coréenne. Par la suite, la compagnie aérienne a continué à
travailler avec Sikorsky pour la maintenance, les mises à niveau et
l’amélioration des performances des UH-60P.
l’avenir, la coopération technique entre Korean Air et Sikorsky jouera
un rôle clé dans la mise à niveau de la flotte d’UH-60P vers la
prochaine génération.
À propos de Korean Air
Air, créée en 1969, est l’une des 20 compagnies aériennes les plus
importantes au monde et a transporté plus de 27 millions de passagers en
2019, pré-COVID. La compagnie aérienne opère ses vols vers 120
destinations dans 43 pays sur 5 continents ; elle dispose d’une flotte
moderne de 160 appareils et emploie plus de 20 000 professionnels. Le
Hub principal de Korean Air est situé à l’aéroport international
d’Incheon (ICN) et ses activités principales sont le transport de
passagers, le fret, l’aérospatiale, la maintenance et la réparation
Air est un membre-fondateur de l’alliance aérienne globale SkyTeam qui,
avec ses 19 membres, propose à ses 676 millions de passagers annuels
plus de 15 445 vols quotidiens vers 1 036 destinations dans 170 pays,
co-entreprise entre Korean Air et
America's fastest growing international carrier with more than 50 new international routes added in the last year. Delta Airlines offers flights to 457 destinations in 97 countries on Delta, Delta Shuttle®, the Delta Connection® carriers, and its Worldwide Partners®." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Delta Air Lines a permis d’accélérer
et de faciliter l’accès à des centaines de destinations sur le continent
américain avec
America's fastest growing international carrier with more than 50 new international routes added in the last year. Delta Airlines offers flights to 457 destinations in 97 countries on Delta, Delta Shuttle®, the Delta Connection® carriers, and its Worldwide Partners®." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Delta et à 80 points en Asie avec Korean Air. Korean Air
America's fastest growing international carrier with more than 50 new international routes added in the last year. Delta Airlines offers flights to 457 destinations in 97 countries on Delta, Delta Shuttle®, the Delta Connection® carriers, and its Worldwide Partners®." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Delta partagent les mêmes locaux dans le terminal 2 d’Incheon, ce
qui facilite les correspondances entre l’Asie et l’Amérique.
plus de 50 ans d’expérience au service du monde, Korean Air a pour
ambition d’être un leader respecté de la communauté aérienne mondiale,
qui se consacre à l’Excellence en vol. Son engagement à l’égard de la
sécurité, de la propreté et du confort de l’avion est reconnu.
Plus d’informations sur les programmes, les routes, les fréquences et les partenaires de Korean Air sont disponibles sur : Korean Air Newsroom,, et Twitter@KoreanAir_KE.