L’Institut Mines-Telecom, IMT Atlantique et Airbus CyberSecurity renforcent leur partenariat

Publié le 08 juillet 2021 par Toulouseweb

L’Institut Mines-Telecom, IMT Atlantique et Airbus CyberSecurity renforcent leur partenariat

La nouvelle convention signée ce mardi 6 juillet par Frédéric JULHES, Directeur d’
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity France, Françoise Prêteux, Directrice déléguée à la recherche et au développement économique de l’Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) et Anne Beauval, Directrice Déléguée d’IMT Atlantique, étend un partenariat initié en 2017 et marque la volonté des trois entités de développer une collaboration dans trois domaines clés :

la formation, la mise en place de programmes de R&D et le recrutement des ingénieurs et docteurs.

IMT Atlantique, école d’ingénieur de l’Institut Mines-Télécom, possède une expertise reconnue en matière de formation, de recherche et d’innovation dans le domaine de la cybersécurité et de ses applications aux secteurs de la défense, de l’industrie et de la santé.

L’école entretient à ce titre des liens privilégiés avec les acteurs du domaine et notamment avec
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity, filiale d’
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus Defence and Space.

Expert européen en cybersécurité,
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity développe les solutions et services qui protègent des administrations publiques, des solutions de défense et des infrastructures nationales critiques contre des menaces cyber.

IMT Atlantique et
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity travaillent ensemble depuis 2017. IMT Atlantique utilise notamment la plate-forme CyberRange pour la formation de ses ingénieurs et assure la promotion de cette plateforme au sein de ses deux mastères spécialisés (Cybersécurité et Cybersécurité des systèmes maritimes et portuaires). Signature de la convention entre
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity , l’Institut Mines Télécom et l’IMT Atlantique.

CyberRange au cœur de la formation

Depuis 2017,
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity met à la disposition d’IMT Atlantique une plateforme CyberRange afin d’accompagner la formation des ingénieurs dans le domaine des réseaux et de la cybersécurité. Avec la nouvelle convention, IMT Atlantique renforce sa collaboration avec la communauté CyberRange.

L’école accède ainsi aux contenus (travaux pratiques, simulations, etc.) partagés avec les autres partenaires.

Elle pourra de son côté proposer certains contenus développés sur CyberRange – exercices, supports de cours, corrigés – sur le HUB Communautaire, afin de promouvoir son savoir-faire.

Toujours dans le cadre de la formation, IMT Atlantique pourra solliciter l’intervention des experts d’
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity lors d’animations techniques portant sur des sujets liés à l’IT (Information Technologies) et de l’OT (Operational Technologies, donc la cybersécurité industrielle).

La recherche et l’innovation

IMT Atlantique et
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity vont également accentuer leur partenariat en matière de recherche et d’innovation. Il s’agit en premier lieu de mettre en place une structure d’analyse amont afin d’identifier les appels à projets pertinents et de développer des activités de R&D et R&T conjointes au niveau national et européen.

IMT Atlantique et
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity entendent par ailleurs intervenir de concert sur les modalités de programmes de thèses, dès l’identification des sujets et le recrutement des doctorants, jusqu’à la validation des publications et la formation doctorale.

C’est notamment l’objet de la chaire CyberCNI (Cybersécurité des Infrastructures Critiques). Cette collaboration prévoit également des options de mobilité des doctorants à l’international ou dans les centres d’
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus Cybersecurity.

Le recrutement en ligne de mire

Le partenariat entre IMT Atlantique, école de l’Institut Mines-Télécom et
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity prévoit également des interactions dans le domaine du recrutement des ingénieurs et des docteurs diplômés de l’école avec la participation d’
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSécurity aux sessions d’orientation et de choix de carrières des élèves d’IMT Atlantique.

Il ouvre aussi des opportunités de stages et de contrats d’alternance pour les élèves tout au long de leur cursus au sein d’
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity et plus largement du groupe
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus.

Une ouverture sur les écoles de l’Institut Mines-Télécom

La nouvelle convention prolonge et renforce les liens existants, et notamment l’accord de partenariat signé en 2015 entre
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus et l’Institut Mines-Telecom dans le cadre de « l’Académie Franco-Allemande pour l’industrie du futur ».

Enfin, ce partenariat historique avec
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity est aujourd’hui étendu à l’ensemble des écoles de l’Institut Mines-Télécom qui pourront développer de nouvelles collaborations autour de compétences cyber sécurité.

« Pour un fournisseur de solutions cyber comme nous, travailler étroitement avec des grandes écoles de pointe comme IMT Atlantique nous permet à la fois de rester innovant en gardant un lien étroit avec la recherche universitaire et de nous assurer que nos solutions répondent vraiment aux besoin d’utilisateurs qui sont progressivement formés à la cyber sécurité, par exemple des étudiant(e)s. »

« Notre CyberRange est déjà aujourd’hui la solution de référence pour ce type d’usage en France et nous espérons pouvoir continuer à élargir la communauté des utilisateurs et contributeurs avec des partenaires du même acabit. » Frédéric Julhes, Directeur d’
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity France

« A l’ère de la transformation numérique de l’industrie et du e-gouvernement, la cybersécurité est à la fois une problématique capitale pour les entreprises et un enjeu de souveraineté nationale.

Notre partenariat avec un champion européen tel que
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus Cybersécurity s’inscrit dans la mission de l’Institut Mines-Télécom : ensemble, former les ingénieurs et chercheurs de demain pour en faire des acteurs clés de la résiliente face aux cyberattaques.

Je suis fière que ce défi soit désormais partagé avec les écoles de l’Institut Mines-Télécom et salue l’expertise et l’engagement d’IMT Atlantique qui impulse aujourd’hui cette grande collaboration. » Françoise Prêteux, Directrice déléguée à la recherche et au développement économique.

À propos d’IMT Atlantique

IMT Atlantique est une grande école d’ingénieurs généralistes, classée 7ème dans le palmarès des écoles d’ingénieurs de l’Etudiant 2021 et 5ème dans celui de l’Usine Nouvelle.

IMT Atlantique fait partie des 400 premières universités du monde du THE World University Ranking 2021 et 50e université mondiale de moins de 50 ans. L’école est reconnue internationalement pour sa recherche dans plusieurs disciplines des classements de Shanghaï, QS et THE.

Elle appartient à l’Institut Mines-Télécom et dépend du ministère en charge de l’industrie et du numérique.

Disposant de 3 campus, à Brest, Nantes et Rennes, d’un incubateur présent sur les 3 campus, IMT Atlantique a pour ambition de conjuguer le numérique, l’énergie et l’environnement pour transformer la société et l’industrie par la formation, la recherche et l’innovation et d’être, à l’international, l’établissement d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche français de référence dans ce domaine.

IMT Atlantique propose depuis septembre 2018 une nouvelle formation d’ingénieurs généralistes. Les étudiants sont recrutés sur le concours Mines-Ponts.

L’École délivre par ailleurs trois diplômes d’ingénieur par la voie de l’apprentissage, des diplômes de masters, mastères spécialisés et doctorats.

Les formations d’IMT Atlantique s’appuient sur une recherche de pointe, au sein de 6 unités mixtes de recherche (avec le CNRS, l’INRIA, l’INSERM, des universités ou écoles d’ingénieur), dont elle est tutelle : GEPEA, IRISA, LATIM, LABSTICC, LS2N et SUBATECH.

L’école s’appuie sur son excellence en recherche dans ses domaines phares (énergie et numérique, cybersécurité, environnement et numérique, industrie du futur, nucléaire, santé et numérique, risques et interactions) et en couplant les domaines scientifiques pour répondre aux défis de demain : transition numérique, transition environnementale, transition industrielle, transition énergétique, santé du futur et recherche fondamentale, en s’appuyant sur 2 instituts Carnot Télécom & Société Numérique et Carnot MINES.

A propos d’Airbus Cybersecurity

Entité d’
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus Defence and Space entièrement dédiée à la cyber sécurité,
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus CyberSecurity protège aussi bien des industries et des infrastructures critiques que des institutions publiques et des moyens militaires avec des solutions de cyber sécurité à très haute fiabilité permettant de détecter, d’analyser et de contrer des cyberattaques de plus en plus sophistiquées.

À propos de l’Institut Mines-Télécom

Placé sous la tutelle du Ministère en charge de l’économie, de l’industrie et du numérique, l’Institut Mines-Télécom est un établissement public d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche regroupant 8 grandes écoles : IMT Atlantique, IMT Lille Douai, IMT Mines Albi, IMT Mines Alès, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, Mines Saint Etienne, Télécom Paris et Télécom Sudparis, 2 écoles filiales : EURECOM et Insic et un réseau de partenaires stratégiques et affiliés.

Ses activités menées dans les domaines des sciences de l’ingénieur et du numérique sont mises au service de la formation d’ingénieurs et de managers, de la recherche partenariale, de l’innovation et du soutien au développement économique.

A l’écoute permanente du monde économique, l’IMT conjugue une forte légitimité académique et scientifique, une proximité avec les entreprises et un positionnement stratégique sur les transformations majeures du XXIe siècle : numériques, industrielles, énergétiques, écologiques et éducatives.

L’IMT est membre fondateur de l’Alliance Industrie du Futur, et créateur avec la TUM de l’académie franco-allemande pour l’industrie du futur, il est doublement labellisé Carnot pour la qualité de sa recherche partenariale.

L’IMT forme chaque année plus de 13000 étudiants, réalise près de 70 millions de contrats de recherche et ses incubateurs accueillent une centaine de start-ups.

[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"] @Airbus[/caption]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%.
https://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en.html" href="https://aeromorning.com/annuaire/airbus-group-2/" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus