La salle de classe itinérante Newton lancée en France, à Angers, avec le soutien de Boeing France
- La salle de classe Newton accueille des jeunes de 13 à 15 ans en France, à Angers, depuis le 6 mai jusqu’au 4 juin.
- Itinérante, elle intègre des équipements numériques et interactifs, et offre une expérience unique de découverte des sciences.
- Conçue par l’organisation norvégienne FIRST Scandinavia, elle est déployée en France par la Fédération Léo Lagrange.
Angers, le 1er juin 2021
La Mobile Newton Room : un programme pour (re)donner goût aux sciences
C’est en Norvège, en 2003, qu’est né le projet, à l’initiative de l’organisation FIRST Scandinavia. Il partait du constat que l’enseignement des sciences manquait d’activités pratiques, que de nombreux équipements étaient obsolètes et que les laboratoires scientifiques des écoles norvégiennes manquaient de ressources. En collaboration avec des enseignants, des établissements scolaires mais aussi des partenaires industriels, les équipes de FIRST Scandinavia ont créé en 2007 les premières salles de classe itinérantes Newton. Rapidement, le projet se développe et le pays compte aujourd’hui près de 40 salles, installées dans différents établissements scolaires.
Un apprentissage concret et adapté aux besoins des plus jeunes
L’objectif d’une salle Newton est de fournir aux élèves une expérience d’apprentissage des sciences innovante et immersive. Sous forme mobile et arrivant dans deux conteneurs, la salle Newton se déploie pour former un espace pédagogique d’environ 70m², qui intègre des équipements modernes et du matériel éducatif. Par créneau de trois heures, des groupes d’élèves suivent un module construit autour d’une thématique concrète comme l’aérien, la robotique, ou les énergies renouvelables. A Angers, c’est le thème de l’aérien qui a été retenu avec un module intitulé « S’envoler avec les nombres – une aventure aérienne ! ».
Dans ce module, les élèves reçoivent une mission pour participer à des opérations de sauvetage. Ils doivent observer divers secteurs d’une zone géographique, planifier eux-mêmes leur plan de route à l’aide de différents calculs mathématiques (distances, vitesse, temps…), hiérarchiser en équipe les missions de sauvetage et finalement réaliser leur vol sur des simulateurs installés dans la salle. Des médiatrices scientifiques de l’association Terre des Sciences, certifiées Newton, et des instructeurs de vol spécialement formés en amont, les accompagnent pendant toute la durée du module.
Soutenu au niveau européen par
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Its broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family; integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-enabled solutions; creating advanced technology solutions; and arranging innovative customer-financing options.
With corporate offices in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 165,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.
Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Supporting these units are Boeing Capital Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions; Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide; and Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Boeing, le projet est déployé en France par la Fédération Léo Lagrange
C’est en 2018 que le constructeur aéronautique mondial
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Its broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family; integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-enabled solutions; creating advanced technology solutions; and arranging innovative customer-financing options.
With corporate offices in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 165,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.
Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Supporting these units are Boeing Capital Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions; Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide; and Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Boeing s’est associé à FIRST Scandinavia pour le déploiement européen du projet Newton. En France, la Fédération Léo Lagrange, partenaire de
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Its broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family; integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-enabled solutions; creating advanced technology solutions; and arranging innovative customer-financing options.
With corporate offices in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 165,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.
Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Supporting these units are Boeing Capital Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions; Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide; and Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Boeing France depuis 2015, a été choisie pour mettre en œuvre l’initiative. Une collaboration existante entre la maison de quartier des Hauts de Saint Aubin et le collège Renoir a permis de désigner Angers comme ville de lancement de la salle de classe Newton en France.
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Its broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family; integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-enabled solutions; creating advanced technology solutions; and arranging innovative customer-financing options.
With corporate offices in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 165,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.
Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Supporting these units are Boeing Capital Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions; Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide; and Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Boeing souhaite amener les élèves à s’intéresser aux métiers de l’industrie aéronautique. Notre partenariat avec FIRST Scandinavia et Léo Lagrange permet à la fois de donner des idées mais également d’aborder de manière proactive le problème de la pénurie de compétences dans le domaine des STIM en France et partout dans le monde. Il s’agit pour
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Its broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family; integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-enabled solutions; creating advanced technology solutions; and arranging innovative customer-financing options.
With corporate offices in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 165,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.
Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Supporting these units are Boeing Capital Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions; Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide; and Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Boeing de créer des perspectives pour tous les jeunes, et en particulier les jeunes femmes, quels que soient leur profil ou leur parcours », a déclaré Jean-Marc Fron, Directeur Général de
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Its broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family; integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-enabled solutions; creating advanced technology solutions; and arranging innovative customer-financing options.
With corporate offices in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 165,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.
Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Supporting these units are Boeing Capital Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions; Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide; and Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Boeing France. « Ce projet est un témoignage de plus de notre engagement, en France, en faveur de la diversité et de l’éducation. »
Pour Estelle Rossi, Directrice des programmes et de la qualité de la Fédération Léo Lagrange, « La salle Newton représente un formidable outil pour (re)donner le goût des sciences aux adolescents et aux jeunes. Car c’est souvent à cet âge-là que les blocages commencent et qu’une rupture se crée avec les disciplines scientifiques. En tant que mouvement d’éducation populaire, nous avons à cœur de proposer aux jeunes des formes d’apprentissage différentes, innovantes et ambitieuses, qui peuvent leur permettre de cultiver un autre rapport au savoir. »
« Ce projet a été une expérience incroyable. Malgré le contexte sanitaire et pour la première fois, nous avons pu exécuter entièrement à distance toute la préparation nécessaire de la Newton Room mobile et la formation des enseignants et des simulateurs de vol. Nous n’aurions jamais pu le faire sans le soutien de nos partenaires en France », a ajouté Alysia Tofflemire, directrice des opérations européennes de Newton Room. « Je suis honorée et ravie de voir ce projet se concrétiser à Angers. »
Le 4 juin, la salle Newton aura accueilli au total près de 400 élèves du collège et du lycée, répartis par groupes de 15, et accompagnés par leurs enseignants de sciences. Les mercredis après-midi, les jeunes des maisons de quartier des alentours sont venus visiter la salle de classe Newton.
Un projet dont la réussite repose sur des partenaires aussi différents que complémentaires
Venant d’horizons différents, les partenaires de la salle de classe Newton en France ont collaboré pendant plusieurs mois sur la mise en place du projet, dans le respect des règles sanitaires en place, en partageant cette même volonté : (re)donner le goût des sciences et permettre à tous de les découvrir à son rythme, de manière concrète et innovante.
Source :
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Its broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family; integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-enabled solutions; creating advanced technology solutions; and arranging innovative customer-financing options.
With corporate offices in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 165,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.
Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Supporting these units are Boeing Capital Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions; Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide; and Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Boeing