Magazine Culture

Vijnana Bhairava 138-140 The Fruit of Tantric Practice

Publié le 20 novembre 2020 par Anargala
Vijnana Bhairava 138-140 The Fruit of Tantric Practice

mānasaṃ cetanā śaktir ātmā ceti catuṣṭayam |

yadā priye parikṣīṇaṃ tadā tad bhairavaṃ vapuḥ || 138 ||

"Mind, attention, power, self :

when those four

are totally destroyed, my dear,

then there (shines) that divine body."

nistaraṅgopadeśānāṃ śatam uktaṃ samāsataḥ |

dvādaśābhyadhikaṃ devi yaj jñātvā jñānavij janaḥ || 139 ||

"Those one hundred and twelve

intimate instructions have been told entirely,

ô Goddess !

The one who knows (them) is one who known (what is to be) known."

atra caikatame yukto jāyate bhairavaḥ svayam |

vācā karoti karmāṇi śāpānugrahakārakaḥ || 140 ||

"One who practices (only) one of them

become directly divine.

He does things by (mere) speech,

he blesses and curses."

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