Magazine Culture

Vijnana Bhairava 136 137 All Is Consciousness

Publié le 19 novembre 2020 par Anargala
Vijnana Bhairava 136 137 All Is Consciousness
Realizing that all is Consciousness :indriyadvārakaṃ sarvaṃ sukhaduḥkhādisaṃgamam |itīndriyāṇi saṃtyajya svasthaḥ svātmani vartate || 136 ||"All meetings of pleasure, pain, etc.come through the senses.Let go of the sens and live healthy in your Self."jñānaprakāśakaṃ sarvaṃ sarveṇātmā prakāśakaḥ |ekam ekasvabhāvatvāt jñānaṃ jñeyaṃ vibhāvyate || 137 ||"All il manifested by consciousness.The Self manifests as everything.Because consciousness and (its) contentshave one and the same nature, they are realized to be one."

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