Vijnana Bhairava 131 132 Awakening Though Ego And Pointers

Publié le 05 novembre 2020 par Anargala

The practice of plunging into "I am" and the practice of pointers :ahaṃ mamedam ityādi pratipattiprasaṅgataḥ |nirādhāre mano yāti taddhyānapreraṇāc chamī || 131 ||"I am, that is mine" on the occasionof such perceptions,the mind goes to what is free.By the power of such a contemplation, one heals."nityo vibhur nirādhāro vyāpakaś cākhilādhipaḥ |śabdān pratikṣaṇaṃ dhyāyan kṛtārtho 'rthānurūpataḥ || 132 ||"Eternal, powerful, free,all-pervading and master of all :contemplating always on those words,one accomplishes (their) méaning because (they) follow (their) meaning."