Vijnana Bhairava 123 124 Nothing Is Impure, All Is Sacred

Publié le 29 octobre 2020 par Anargala
Vijnana Bhairava 123 124 Nothing Is Impure, All Is Sacred

Realizing that all is pure and sacred :

kiṃcijjñair yā smṛtā śuddhiḥ sā śuddhiḥ śambhudarśane |

na śucir hy aśucis tasmān nirvikalpaḥ sukhī bhavet || 123 ||

"That (ritual) purity transmitted by those who know little

is impurity according to the teaching of God.

For, there is (n reality) no purity, nor impurity.

Therrefore, someone who is free of (those) dilemmas will be at ease."

sarvatra bhairavo bhāvaḥ sāmānyeṣv api gocaraḥ |

na ca tadvyatirekteṇa paro 'stīty advayā gatiḥ || 124 ||

"Everywhere is the divine state,

even in the common is the (sacred) field.

Nothing is outside it, there is nothing beyond.

Realizing that is (true) non-dual awareness."