The practice of recognizing naked awareness in physical exhaustion and physical collapse :
bhrāntvā bhrāntvā śarīreṇa tvaritam bhuvi pātanāt |
kṣobhaśaktivirāmeṇa parā saṃjāyate daśā || 111 ||
"Wandering for a long time with 'one's) body,
one collapses all at once on the ground.
When the agittation of energy stops,
then the supreme state fully arises."
ādhāreṣv athavā 'śaktyā 'jñānāc cittalayena vā |
jātaśaktisamāveśakṣobhānte bhairavaṃ vapuḥ || 112 ||
"Or, when one is unable to perceive things
or when attention dissolves away,
then at the end of that taking over by agitation,
the divine body (manifests)."