Vijnana Bhairava 77 78 79 Postures of Awakening

Publié le 24 septembre 2020 par Anargala

 The practice of the Shambhavi Mudra and taking advantage of the intimate connexion between body and mind :

karaṅkiṇyā krodhanayā bhairavyā lelihānayā |

khecaryā dṛṣṭikāle ca parāvāptiḥ prakāśate || 77 ||

"At the time of (practicing divine) vision 

with the body like a corpse,

the face in wonder, eyes wide open,

mouth dropped and wide open awareness,

the supreme state shines."

mṛdvāsane sphijaikena hastapādau nirāśrayam |

nidhāya tatprasaṅgena parā pūrṇā matir bhavet || 78 ||

"On a soft seat, resting only on one's buttock,

hands and feet hanging loose,

in that situation,

attention will become free and full."

upaviśyāsane samyag bāhū kṛtvārdhakuñcitau |

kakṣavyomni manaḥ kurvan śamam āyāti tallayāt || 79 ||

"Taking a seat

with arms crossed on one another,

attention focused on the space below the arms/ on the belly/

on both sides/ on the space around,

one goes in peace by dissolving in that."