Râma with his bow (subtle one !)
The practice of awakening through "om", and introducing the practice of merging in desire, the blissfull source of all movements :
praṇavādisamuccārāt plutānte śūnyabhāvānāt |
śūnyayā parayā śaktyā śūnyatām eti bhairavi || 39 ||"Ô Goddess ! One shall go to emptyness
throught the empty power, the supreme power.
(How ?) By realizing the empty (awareness)
at the end of the long (sound) when spelling/rising
(a Mantra) like 'Om', etc."
yasya kasyāpi varṇasya pūrvāntāv anubhāvayet |
śūnyayā śūnyabhūto 'sau śūnyākāraḥ pumān bhavet || 40 ||
"One shall become pure awareness, empty of (all content),
having become empty through the empty (power) :
one should experience the (empty) beginning (or) end
of any sound (that one may say)."