Vijnana Bhairava 39 40 Awakening Through 'Om'

Publié le 06 septembre 2020 par Anargala

Râma with his bow (subtle one !)

The practice of awakening through "om", and introducing the practice of merging in desire, the blissfull source of all movements :

praṇavādisamuccārāt plutānte śūnyabhāvānāt |

śūnyayā parayā śaktyā śūnyatām eti bhairavi || 39 ||
"Ô Goddess ! One shall go to emptyness
throught the empty power, the supreme power.
(How ?) By realizing the empty (awareness) 
at the end of the long (sound) when spelling/rising
(a Mantra) like 'Om', etc."

yasya kasyāpi varṇasya pūrvāntāv anubhāvayet |
śūnyayā śūnyabhūto 'sau śūnyākāraḥ pumān bhavet || 40 ||
"One shall become pure awareness, empty of (all content),
having become empty through the empty (power) :
one should experience the (empty) beginning (or) end
of any sound (that one may say)."