Vijnana Bhairava Tantra 22-24 The Most Natural Practice

Publié le 30 juillet 2020 par Anargala
The Goddess asks for direct experience and the Firt Practice of Feeling Life :śrī devy uvāca |"The Sublime Goddess said :"
devadeva triśūlāṅka kapālakṛtabhūṣaṇa |digdeśakālaśūnyā ca vyapadeśavivarjitā || 22 ||yāvasthā bharitākārā bhairavasyopalabhyate |"Ô God of gods ! You who have the Trident as your mark !You who bear a skull as an ornament !That state of full awareness is empty of place and timeand dévoid of example, both.kair upāyair mukhaṃ tasya parā devi katham bhavet |yathā samyag ahaṃ vedmi tathā me brūhi bhairava || 23 ||"By what means can it be experienced ?How does the Supreme Goddessbecomes the 'door' to (God) ?Tell me that, O God,so that I may know truly."bhairava uvāca |"God said :"ūrdhve prāṇo hy adho jīvo visargātmā paroccaret |utpattidvitayasthāne bharaṇād bharitā sthitiḥ || 24 ||"Up is going life-breath. Down is going life.Let one speak/ elevate the Suprême, who is both aspects.By living fully in their two rising points,one shall live a life of fullness."