Poetry, in words and pictures from Busua and Akwidaa - Ghana
Harmattan morning on Busua Beach, from Busua Inn terrace
Harmattan light at Busua.
From dust to golden light.Abokwaa island dissipear.
Dust everywhere.
Bal poussière...
Bal lumière...

Eluard,Donner à voir.

Visitez notre petit hôtel au #Ghana sur la plage de Busua : Busua Inn (fr)
Visit our guesthouse in Ghana on the Busua Beach : Busua Inn (en)
Visit our tropical ecolodge on the lovely Bay of Ezile : Ezile bay (en)Follow us, oninstagram Busua Inn Ezile Bay, insta The Singing Beads, twitter, pinterest, fb Ezile Bay, fb Busua Inn. fb The Singing Beads