
Citations dans la presse

Publié le 17 juillet 2008 par Ressol

Citation par IRIN (service d'information des Nations Unies), août-sept 2002 :
"Personnellement, j'oserais dire que le Burundi est aujourd'hui le pays le plus préoccupant de la région des Grands Lacs en matière d'insécurité", a confié à IRIN un porte-parole de la Banque mondiale, Raymond Toye. "Par conséquent, il importe au plus haut chef que toutes les parties aient à coeur de ramener la région aux affaires civiles et à un développement économique pacifique".

Citation dans New Vision (Kampala, Ouganda), 23 novembre 2002 :
"The Department of Justice investigation is still underway and any comments on the content of that investigation should be directed to that agency. We have periodic contacts with the Department of Justice but are not in a position to comment on on-going investigation," said Raymond Toye, communications officer in the World Bank for Africa.

Citation dans le Washington Post, 22 avril 2002 :
"Raymond Toye, un porte-parole de la Banque Mondiale déclarait : "Le commerce international ne cesse d'évoluer. Et il y a toutes sortes de contraintes qui pèsent sur le commerce en Afrique dont nous n'avons peut-être pas toujours tenu compte. Nous voulons un commerce plus libre et plus ouvert en Zambie, mais la question qui se pose est la sui-vante : comment allons-nous nous y prendre pour en même temps intégrer la situation et l'histoire spécifiques de la Zambie - ou de l'Afrique ?" "

Citation dans revue de "Gambling and Glitz in Africa ? Welcome to Gabon", par Lionel Beehner :
"Indeed, Gabon's oil is making more Westerners rich than natives. Gabon is what is often referred to as a "rent-based economy," says Raymond Toye, the World Bank's spokesperson on Africa. "It's basically any sector where raw materials [in this case, oil] are exploited, produced and sold by foreign companies and what they bring the country is a rent payment or the right to exploit it.""

Interview sur le projet pétrolier Tchad-Cameroun, sur France Inter

Citation par IPS (Inter Press Service) 17 sept 02, concernant le projet hydroéléctrique au Lesotho :
"A World Bank official said his organization might re-examine the matter to see if it merits a new investigation.
But Raymond Toye warned that if a new probe was to take place, it would be carried out under the bank's own anti-corruption guidelines, rather than according to Lesotho domestic rules. In other words, Acres could be cleared and continue to receive the bank's funding, added Toye."

15 mai 02, The Nation (Kenya), concernant la corruption au Kenya :
"Indeed, World Bank spokesman Raymond Toye said : "Relations with Kenya are obviously affected by this, but there is no ambiguity : the bank is conducting an internal investigation, has taken some quick effective decisions ; the Kenyan authorities are conducting an investigation.""

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