Magazine Conso

Leandro Cano SS20

Publié le 30 novembre 2019 par Pascal Iakovou @luxsure

On Monday, September 30th, fashion designer Leandro Cano will present his new collection 'OFRENDA' at the Spanish Embassy in Paris.
The Spanish designer introduces a collection of eight spectacular bodies in collaboration with eight artisans from Spain using a different artisan technique in each one of them.
For Leandro, craftsmanship is the purest representation of wisdom, loneliness, 'savoir faire' and knowledge. That is why, with this collection, he wanted to give visibility and place these master craftsmen in the front row, many of whom have accompanied him since the beginning of his career. Their hands show their hard work as some even bleed when handling materials such as esparto. It is a clear statement of intent and a call to the world of the impetuous need for conservation and dissemination of part of what Leandro considers Spanish Heritage.

"I feel restlessness when I look at the world. It seems incredible that humans can travel the world in less than 24 hours, or that we can dress the same in Hong Kong and Madrid and at the same time people still die of hunger in the world, or there are still countries at war.
Every day I become more convinced that the human being is destroying the world. We messed up, we depleted resources that were given to us for free. Let us not think of humans so different and superior to the rest of nature.
We are born, we grow, we wither and we die... like everything alive in the world.
I do not have money to provide a great help, nor influence to pressure powerful people. But I can offer you a slightly more beautiful world."
Leandro Cano

Atmosphere pictures : Juan Jerez

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