Le magicien en Lego

Publié le 26 novembre 2018 par Didier Vincent

Cette mécanique de précision en Lego permet de comprendre le truc de la lévitation ; vous savez, quand l'assistante flotte horizontalement dans le vide, tandis que que le manipulateur passe un anneau le long de son corps pour prouver qu'elle n'est soutenue par rien.

A classic illusion which is usually performed with some sort of S-shaped liftarm, but I've always wondered if this variation with a solid hoop and moving supports would work. This build features four link chains of identical length (three for the supports and one for the magician ), and a simple but effective turnaround mechanism to make the hoop change direction. The timing took forever to get right, but I'm quite happy with the result. Let the show begin! Also I would like to say a big thank you to all Bricklinkers for sorting through endless piles of LEGO and making my hobby possible! Teun