Magazine Société

Zodiac: Résultats du premier semestre de l’exercice 2017/2018

Publié le 24 avril 2018 par Toulouseweb

Résultats du premier semestre de l’exercice 2017/2018

  • La période concernée est antérieure à la prise de contrôle de logo-zodiac
    Zodiac Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace equipment and systems for commercial, regional and business aircraft, as well as helicopters and space applications.
    World leader in aerospace equipment and systems on board commercial, regional and business aircraft as well as helicopters, Zodiac Aerospace is also a key player in air safety. In its earliest days, Zodiac contributed to the development of aeronautics by designing hot-air balloons and airplanes. True to its pioneering and innovative spirit, Zodiac invented the concept of the airship in the 1930s, eventually leading to the company’s international expansion in the 1970s. This period also marked a turning point for the company with its gradual redeployment into aerospace. In 2007, the Group refocused its core business and sold its Marine businesses. Today, Zodiac Aerospace is concentrating all its potential and technological lead on aerospace. Based on an internal and external growth strategy, Zodiac Aerospace is continuing its development to ensure constant advances in its businesses. With robust industrial and management processes, Zodiac Aerospace’s technological expertise is based on three core business lines: comfort and life on board aircraft, onboard systems, and safety on the ground and in-flight; and they are grouped into five business segments – Zodiac Cabin & Structures, Zodiac Seats, Zodiac Galleys & Equipment, Zodiac Aircraft Systems, Zodiac Aerosafety, supplemented by the dedicated after-sales business of Zodiac Services. Altogether, the Zodiac Aerospace businesses employ 30,000 people worldwide and work with clients throughout the world, offering a comprehensive range of products and services to respond to new challenges in aerospace. Zodiac Aerospace aims to anticipate and support the needs of its clients by responding to the new challenges of the market. For example, the Group is increasingly involved as a full systems integrator through to certification, enhancing its products and services in various areas, such as:
    • Reducing the weight and bulk of onboard equipment and systems to improve aircraft performance
    • Developing ergonomic, modular concepts to improve maintenance and productivity
    • Expanding its range of after-sales services for airline companies
    • Introducing new functions and designs, and comprehensive and integrated cabin solutions that make a real difference in the marketplace and optimize the airlines’ revenues
    • Developing new safety systems that contribute to improving the safety of air travel." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Zodiac Aerospace par logo du groupe Safran
    Safran  est un groupe international de haute technologie opérant dans les domaines de la propulsion et des équipements aéronautiques, de l'espace et de la défense. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie plus de 92 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre d'affaires de 21 milliards d'euros en 2018. Safran occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Pour répondre à l'évolution des marchés, le Groupe s'engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui ont représenté en 2018 des dépenses d’environ 1,5 milliard d'euros.
    Safran est une société cotée sur Euronext Paris et fait partie des indices CAC 40 et Euro Stoxx 50." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Safran.
  • Chiffre d’affaires du premier semestre 2017/2018 en baisse de 6,8 % en organique avec une progression du chiffre d’affaires d’Aerosystems et un recul d’Aircraft Interiors.
  • Résultat Opérationnel Courant (ROC) positif de 35,3 M€, encore impacté par Aircraft Interiors, en hausse par rapport à -11,5 M€ au premier semestre 2016/2017.
  • Génération de trésorerie de -119 M€ au premier semestre, en progression de 77 M€ par rapport au premier semestre 2016/2017 avec une hausse limitée du besoin en fonds de roulement.


Plaisir, le 24 avril 2018 – Le Conseil de Surveillance de


Zodiac Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace equipment and systems for commercial, regional and business aircraft, as well as helicopters and space applications.
World leader in aerospace equipment and systems on board commercial, regional and business aircraft as well as helicopters, Zodiac Aerospace is also a key player in air safety. In its earliest days, Zodiac contributed to the development of aeronautics by designing hot-air balloons and airplanes. True to its pioneering and innovative spirit, Zodiac invented the concept of the airship in the 1930s, eventually leading to the company’s international expansion in the 1970s. This period also marked a turning point for the company with its gradual redeployment into aerospace. In 2007, the Group refocused its core business and sold its Marine businesses. Today, Zodiac Aerospace is concentrating all its potential and technological lead on aerospace. Based on an internal and external growth strategy, Zodiac Aerospace is continuing its development to ensure constant advances in its businesses. With robust industrial and management processes, Zodiac Aerospace’s technological expertise is based on three core business lines: comfort and life on board aircraft, onboard systems, and safety on the ground and in-flight; and they are grouped into five business segments – Zodiac Cabin & Structures, Zodiac Seats, Zodiac Galleys & Equipment, Zodiac Aircraft Systems, Zodiac Aerosafety, supplemented by the dedicated after-sales business of Zodiac Services. Altogether, the Zodiac Aerospace businesses employ 30,000 people worldwide and work with clients throughout the world, offering a comprehensive range of products and services to respond to new challenges in aerospace. Zodiac Aerospace aims to anticipate and support the needs of its clients by responding to the new challenges of the market. For example, the Group is increasingly involved as a full systems integrator through to certification, enhancing its products and services in various areas, such as:

  • Reducing the weight and bulk of onboard equipment and systems to improve aircraft performance
  • Developing ergonomic, modular concepts to improve maintenance and productivity
  • Expanding its range of after-sales services for airline companies
  • Introducing new functions and designs, and comprehensive and integrated cabin solutions that make a real difference in the marketplace and optimize the airlines’ revenues
  • Developing new safety systems that contribute to improving the safety of air travel." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Zodiac Aerospace, réuni le 24 avril 2018 sous la présidence de Louis Desanges, a examiné la performance financière du premier semestre 2017/2018 (septembre 2017 à février 2018).

Chiffre d’affaires et Résultat Opérationnel Courant du premier semestre 2017/2018

en millions d’euros* S1
2017/2018   S1
2016/2017   Var%

Chiffre d’affaires 2 142,8   2 447,0   -12,4 %

Résultat Opérationnel Courant 35,3   -11,5   n.s.

ROC / CA 1,6 %   -0,5 %    

€/$ (Transaction) 1,10   1,11    

€/$ (Conversion) 1,20   1,08    

* hors impacts liés à l’adoption d’IFRS 3.

Au premier semestre de l’exercice 2017/2018,


Zodiac Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace equipment and systems for commercial, regional and business aircraft, as well as helicopters and space applications.
World leader in aerospace equipment and systems on board commercial, regional and business aircraft as well as helicopters, Zodiac Aerospace is also a key player in air safety. In its earliest days, Zodiac contributed to the development of aeronautics by designing hot-air balloons and airplanes. True to its pioneering and innovative spirit, Zodiac invented the concept of the airship in the 1930s, eventually leading to the company’s international expansion in the 1970s. This period also marked a turning point for the company with its gradual redeployment into aerospace. In 2007, the Group refocused its core business and sold its Marine businesses. Today, Zodiac Aerospace is concentrating all its potential and technological lead on aerospace. Based on an internal and external growth strategy, Zodiac Aerospace is continuing its development to ensure constant advances in its businesses. With robust industrial and management processes, Zodiac Aerospace’s technological expertise is based on three core business lines: comfort and life on board aircraft, onboard systems, and safety on the ground and in-flight; and they are grouped into five business segments – Zodiac Cabin & Structures, Zodiac Seats, Zodiac Galleys & Equipment, Zodiac Aircraft Systems, Zodiac Aerosafety, supplemented by the dedicated after-sales business of Zodiac Services. Altogether, the Zodiac Aerospace businesses employ 30,000 people worldwide and work with clients throughout the world, offering a comprehensive range of products and services to respond to new challenges in aerospace. Zodiac Aerospace aims to anticipate and support the needs of its clients by responding to the new challenges of the market. For example, the Group is increasingly involved as a full systems integrator through to certification, enhancing its products and services in various areas, such as:

  • Reducing the weight and bulk of onboard equipment and systems to improve aircraft performance
  • Developing ergonomic, modular concepts to improve maintenance and productivity
  • Expanding its range of after-sales services for airline companies
  • Introducing new functions and designs, and comprehensive and integrated cabin solutions that make a real difference in the marketplace and optimize the airlines’ revenues
  • Developing new safety systems that contribute to improving the safety of air travel." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Zodiac Aerospace a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires de 2 142,8 M€, en recul de 304,2 M€, soit -12,4 %, par rapport à la même période de l’année dernière. Hors impact net du taux de change de -159,2 M€, le chiffre d’affaires fléchit de -6,8 %. Il n’y a pas eu d’effet de périmètre au niveau du Groupe. Comme prévu, le chiffre d’affaires d’Aerosystems a poursuivi sa progression (+2,7 % en organique) et le chiffre d’affaires d’Aircraft Interiors a reculé (-13,9 % en organique).

Le Résultat Opérationnel Courant avant IFRS 3 est positif à 35,3 M€, contre une perte de -11,5 M€ au premier semestre 2016/2017, grâce à la progression des activités Aerosystems et Aircraft Interiors tirée par des améliorations opérationnelles. La marge opérationnelle courante du Groupe ressort à +1,6 % du chiffre d’affaires au premier semestre 2017/2018, contre -0,5 % au premier semestre 2016/2017. L’effet de change a eu un impact positif de 9,9 M€ sur le Résultat Opérationnel Courant, dont un impact de conversion de 8,8 M€ et un impact de transaction de 1,1 M€.

Comme pour l’exercice précédent, le chiffre d’affaires, le Résultat Opérationnel Courant et la génération de trésorerie de


Zodiac Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace equipment and systems for commercial, regional and business aircraft, as well as helicopters and space applications.
World leader in aerospace equipment and systems on board commercial, regional and business aircraft as well as helicopters, Zodiac Aerospace is also a key player in air safety. In its earliest days, Zodiac contributed to the development of aeronautics by designing hot-air balloons and airplanes. True to its pioneering and innovative spirit, Zodiac invented the concept of the airship in the 1930s, eventually leading to the company’s international expansion in the 1970s. This period also marked a turning point for the company with its gradual redeployment into aerospace. In 2007, the Group refocused its core business and sold its Marine businesses. Today, Zodiac Aerospace is concentrating all its potential and technological lead on aerospace. Based on an internal and external growth strategy, Zodiac Aerospace is continuing its development to ensure constant advances in its businesses. With robust industrial and management processes, Zodiac Aerospace’s technological expertise is based on three core business lines: comfort and life on board aircraft, onboard systems, and safety on the ground and in-flight; and they are grouped into five business segments – Zodiac Cabin & Structures, Zodiac Seats, Zodiac Galleys & Equipment, Zodiac Aircraft Systems, Zodiac Aerosafety, supplemented by the dedicated after-sales business of Zodiac Services. Altogether, the Zodiac Aerospace businesses employ 30,000 people worldwide and work with clients throughout the world, offering a comprehensive range of products and services to respond to new challenges in aerospace. Zodiac Aerospace aims to anticipate and support the needs of its clients by responding to the new challenges of the market. For example, the Group is increasingly involved as a full systems integrator through to certification, enhancing its products and services in various areas, such as:

  • Reducing the weight and bulk of onboard equipment and systems to improve aircraft performance
  • Developing ergonomic, modular concepts to improve maintenance and productivity
  • Expanding its range of after-sales services for airline companies
  • Introducing new functions and designs, and comprehensive and integrated cabin solutions that make a real difference in the marketplace and optimize the airlines’ revenues
  • Developing new safety systems that contribute to improving the safety of air travel." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Zodiac Aerospace devraient être nettement plus élevés au second semestre qu’au premier.


Analyse du chiffre d’affaires


(en millions d’euros) S1 S1 Var% Taux de change Périmètre Variation organique

2017/2018 2016/2017

Activités Aerosystems 1 007,2 1 035,7 -2,8 %  -5,5 % +0,0 % +2,7 %

Activités Aircraft Interiors 1 135,6 1 411,3 -19,5 % -5,6 % +0,0 % -13,9 %

Zodiac Seats 449,4 607,4 -26,0 % -4,2 % +0,0 % -21,8 %

Zodiac Cabin 686,2 803,9 -14,6 % -7,1 % +0,0 % -7,5 %

Total Groupe 2 142,8 2 447,0 -12,4 % -5,6 % +0,0 % -6,8 %

€/$ (conversion) 1,20 1,08        

Chiffre d’affaires et Résultat Opérationnel Courant par activité


Au premier semestre, Aerosystems réalise un chiffre d’affaires de 1 007,2 M€, en repli de -2,8 % en données publiées résultant d’un chiffre d’affaires en hausse de +2,7 % en organique et d’un impact de change défavorable (-5,5 %). La croissance a été portée par la progression de l’activité Connected Cabin et par la bonne performance des activités Electrical & Cockpit Systems et Fluid.

Le Résultat Opérationnel Courant augmente de 2,6 M€, soit de 2 %, à 132,0 M€ (13,1 % du chiffre d’affaires de la branche), traduisant une progression organique de 8,6 M€ principalement portée par la croissance de l’activité Connected Cabin et par l’amélioration de la rentabilité des activités Electrical & Cockpit Systems et Control Systems. L’effet de change sur le Résultat Opérationnel Courant atteint -6,0 M€ (conversion :
-5,2 M€ et transaction : -0,8 M€).

Aircraft Interiors réalise un chiffre d’affaires de 1 135,6 M€, en baisse de -19,5 %. En données organiques, au premier semestre, le chiffre d’affaires recule de -13,9 %.

  • La branche Cabin (32 % du chiffre d’affaires total) enregistre un chiffre d’affaires publié de 686,2 M€, en diminution de -14,6 %, incluant un effet de change défavorable de -7,1% et une baisse organique de -7,5 % de l’activité. L’activité d’intégration de cabines pour avions d’affaires a démarré l’année lentement, comme indiqué précédemment, et de nouveaux projets de cabines d’avions VIP sont identifiés.
  • Le chiffre d’affaires de la branche Seats (21 % du chiffre d’affaires total) s’élève à 449,4 M€, en repli de -26,0 %, principalement affecté, comme prévu, par les difficultés précédentes de conception et d’exécution. Hors effet de change négatif de -4,2%, le chiffre d’affaires fléchit de -21,8 % en données organiques.

Le Résultat Opérationnel Courant d’Aircraft Interiors avant IFRS 3 s’établit à -97,3 M€ au premier semestre, en progression de 31,6 M€ par rapport à la même période de l’année dernière. L’activité Seats a apporté une contribution positive grâce à des améliorations opérationnelles qui ont tiré la performance, notamment de Seats UK et Seat Shells. La rentabilité de l’activité Cabin reflète les mesures de réduction des coûts de programmes majeurs (A350XWB, A320 Spaceflex, C Series). Ces améliorations ont été en partie compensées par l’impact d’une baisse des volumes et, dans une moindre mesure, par des retards persistants des projets VIP et des programmes d’avions d’affaires. Au premier semestre, le change a eu un impact positif de 14,6 M€ sur le Résultat Opérationnel Courant, dont un impact de conversion de 14,0 M€ et un impact de transaction de 0,6 M€.

Endettement financier net


À la fin du premier semestre, l’endettement net s’élève à 957,9 M€[1]. La capacité d’autofinancement avant variation du besoin en fonds de roulement s’élève à 13 M€ et comprend des éléments non courant qui concernent principalement la transaction avec

logo du groupe Safran

Safran  est un groupe international de haute technologie opérant dans les domaines de la propulsion et des équipements aéronautiques, de l'espace et de la défense. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie plus de 92 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre d'affaires de 21 milliards d'euros en 2018. Safran occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Pour répondre à l'évolution des marchés, le Groupe s'engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui ont représenté en 2018 des dépenses d’environ 1,5 milliard d'euros.
Safran est une société cotée sur Euronext Paris et fait partie des indices CAC 40 et Euro Stoxx 50." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Safran et des coûts de restructuration significatifs. La hausse saisonnière du fonds de roulement a été limitée à 42 M€. Les investissements en immobilisations corporelles et incorporelles, de 90,1 M€ au premier semestre, sont stables par rapport au premier semestre 2016/2017.

Couverture de change


Pour 2017/2018,


Zodiac Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace equipment and systems for commercial, regional and business aircraft, as well as helicopters and space applications.
World leader in aerospace equipment and systems on board commercial, regional and business aircraft as well as helicopters, Zodiac Aerospace is also a key player in air safety. In its earliest days, Zodiac contributed to the development of aeronautics by designing hot-air balloons and airplanes. True to its pioneering and innovative spirit, Zodiac invented the concept of the airship in the 1930s, eventually leading to the company’s international expansion in the 1970s. This period also marked a turning point for the company with its gradual redeployment into aerospace. In 2007, the Group refocused its core business and sold its Marine businesses. Today, Zodiac Aerospace is concentrating all its potential and technological lead on aerospace. Based on an internal and external growth strategy, Zodiac Aerospace is continuing its development to ensure constant advances in its businesses. With robust industrial and management processes, Zodiac Aerospace’s technological expertise is based on three core business lines: comfort and life on board aircraft, onboard systems, and safety on the ground and in-flight; and they are grouped into five business segments – Zodiac Cabin & Structures, Zodiac Seats, Zodiac Galleys & Equipment, Zodiac Aircraft Systems, Zodiac Aerosafety, supplemented by the dedicated after-sales business of Zodiac Services. Altogether, the Zodiac Aerospace businesses employ 30,000 people worldwide and work with clients throughout the world, offering a comprehensive range of products and services to respond to new challenges in aerospace. Zodiac Aerospace aims to anticipate and support the needs of its clients by responding to the new challenges of the market. For example, the Group is increasingly involved as a full systems integrator through to certification, enhancing its products and services in various areas, such as:

  • Reducing the weight and bulk of onboard equipment and systems to improve aircraft performance
  • Developing ergonomic, modular concepts to improve maintenance and productivity
  • Expanding its range of after-sales services for airline companies
  • Introducing new functions and designs, and comprehensive and integrated cabin solutions that make a real difference in the marketplace and optimize the airlines’ revenues
  • Developing new safety systems that contribute to improving the safety of air travel." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Zodiac Aerospace a couvert 94 % de l’exposition estimée EUR/USD à 1,0986 $ pour 1 € (taux de change spot), 54 % de l’exposition USD/CAD, 68 % de l’exposition USD/GBP, 87 % de l’exposition USD/MXN et 65 % de l’exposition USD/THB.

Conformément à la politique de

logo du groupe Safran

Safran  est un groupe international de haute technologie opérant dans les domaines de la propulsion et des équipements aéronautiques, de l'espace et de la défense. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie plus de 92 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre d'affaires de 21 milliards d'euros en 2018. Safran occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Pour répondre à l'évolution des marchés, le Groupe s'engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui ont représenté en 2018 des dépenses d’environ 1,5 milliard d'euros.
Safran est une société cotée sur Euronext Paris et fait partie des indices CAC 40 et Euro Stoxx 50." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Safran, l’exposition au risque de change de

Zodiac Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace equipment and systems for commercial, regional and business aircraft, as well as helicopters and space applications.
World leader in aerospace equipment and systems on board commercial, regional and business aircraft as well as helicopters, Zodiac Aerospace is also a key player in air safety. In its earliest days, Zodiac contributed to the development of aeronautics by designing hot-air balloons and airplanes. True to its pioneering and innovative spirit, Zodiac invented the concept of the airship in the 1930s, eventually leading to the company’s international expansion in the 1970s. This period also marked a turning point for the company with its gradual redeployment into aerospace. In 2007, the Group refocused its core business and sold its Marine businesses. Today, Zodiac Aerospace is concentrating all its potential and technological lead on aerospace. Based on an internal and external growth strategy, Zodiac Aerospace is continuing its development to ensure constant advances in its businesses. With robust industrial and management processes, Zodiac Aerospace’s technological expertise is based on three core business lines: comfort and life on board aircraft, onboard systems, and safety on the ground and in-flight; and they are grouped into five business segments – Zodiac Cabin & Structures, Zodiac Seats, Zodiac Galleys & Equipment, Zodiac Aircraft Systems, Zodiac Aerosafety, supplemented by the dedicated after-sales business of Zodiac Services. Altogether, the Zodiac Aerospace businesses employ 30,000 people worldwide and work with clients throughout the world, offering a comprehensive range of products and services to respond to new challenges in aerospace. Zodiac Aerospace aims to anticipate and support the needs of its clients by responding to the new challenges of the market. For example, the Group is increasingly involved as a full systems integrator through to certification, enhancing its products and services in various areas, such as:

  • Reducing the weight and bulk of onboard equipment and systems to improve aircraft performance
  • Developing ergonomic, modular concepts to improve maintenance and productivity
  • Expanding its range of after-sales services for airline companies
  • Introducing new functions and designs, and comprehensive and integrated cabin solutions that make a real difference in the marketplace and optimize the airlines’ revenues
  • Developing new safety systems that contribute to improving the safety of air travel." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Zodiac Aerospace au-delà de l’horizon couvert est intégrée au programme de couverture de
logo du groupe Safran

Safran  est un groupe international de haute technologie opérant dans les domaines de la propulsion et des équipements aéronautiques, de l'espace et de la défense. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie plus de 92 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre d'affaires de 21 milliards d'euros en 2018. Safran occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Pour répondre à l'évolution des marchés, le Groupe s'engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui ont représenté en 2018 des dépenses d’environ 1,5 milliard d'euros.
Safran est une société cotée sur Euronext Paris et fait partie des indices CAC 40 et Euro Stoxx 50." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Safran depuis février.

NB : Cette publication est disponible sur le site internet de


Zodiac Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace equipment and systems for commercial, regional and business aircraft, as well as helicopters and space applications.
World leader in aerospace equipment and systems on board commercial, regional and business aircraft as well as helicopters, Zodiac Aerospace is also a key player in air safety. In its earliest days, Zodiac contributed to the development of aeronautics by designing hot-air balloons and airplanes. True to its pioneering and innovative spirit, Zodiac invented the concept of the airship in the 1930s, eventually leading to the company’s international expansion in the 1970s. This period also marked a turning point for the company with its gradual redeployment into aerospace. In 2007, the Group refocused its core business and sold its Marine businesses. Today, Zodiac Aerospace is concentrating all its potential and technological lead on aerospace. Based on an internal and external growth strategy, Zodiac Aerospace is continuing its development to ensure constant advances in its businesses. With robust industrial and management processes, Zodiac Aerospace’s technological expertise is based on three core business lines: comfort and life on board aircraft, onboard systems, and safety on the ground and in-flight; and they are grouped into five business segments – Zodiac Cabin & Structures, Zodiac Seats, Zodiac Galleys & Equipment, Zodiac Aircraft Systems, Zodiac Aerosafety, supplemented by the dedicated after-sales business of Zodiac Services. Altogether, the Zodiac Aerospace businesses employ 30,000 people worldwide and work with clients throughout the world, offering a comprehensive range of products and services to respond to new challenges in aerospace. Zodiac Aerospace aims to anticipate and support the needs of its clients by responding to the new challenges of the market. For example, the Group is increasingly involved as a full systems integrator through to certification, enhancing its products and services in various areas, such as:

  • Reducing the weight and bulk of onboard equipment and systems to improve aircraft performance
  • Developing ergonomic, modular concepts to improve maintenance and productivity
  • Expanding its range of after-sales services for airline companies
  • Introducing new functions and designs, and comprehensive and integrated cabin solutions that make a real difference in the marketplace and optimize the airlines’ revenues
  • Developing new safety systems that contribute to improving the safety of air travel." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Zodiac Aerospace
logo du groupe Safran

Safran  est un groupe international de haute technologie opérant dans les domaines de la propulsion et des équipements aéronautiques, de l'espace et de la défense. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie plus de 92 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre d'affaires de 21 milliards d'euros en 2018. Safran occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Pour répondre à l'évolution des marchés, le Groupe s'engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui ont représenté en 2018 des dépenses d’environ 1,5 milliard d'euros.
Safran est une société cotée sur Euronext Paris et fait partie des indices CAC 40 et Euro Stoxx 50." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Safran incorpore

Zodiac Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace equipment and systems for commercial, regional and business aircraft, as well as helicopters and space applications.
World leader in aerospace equipment and systems on board commercial, regional and business aircraft as well as helicopters, Zodiac Aerospace is also a key player in air safety. In its earliest days, Zodiac contributed to the development of aeronautics by designing hot-air balloons and airplanes. True to its pioneering and innovative spirit, Zodiac invented the concept of the airship in the 1930s, eventually leading to the company’s international expansion in the 1970s. This period also marked a turning point for the company with its gradual redeployment into aerospace. In 2007, the Group refocused its core business and sold its Marine businesses. Today, Zodiac Aerospace is concentrating all its potential and technological lead on aerospace. Based on an internal and external growth strategy, Zodiac Aerospace is continuing its development to ensure constant advances in its businesses. With robust industrial and management processes, Zodiac Aerospace’s technological expertise is based on three core business lines: comfort and life on board aircraft, onboard systems, and safety on the ground and in-flight; and they are grouped into five business segments – Zodiac Cabin & Structures, Zodiac Seats, Zodiac Galleys & Equipment, Zodiac Aircraft Systems, Zodiac Aerosafety, supplemented by the dedicated after-sales business of Zodiac Services. Altogether, the Zodiac Aerospace businesses employ 30,000 people worldwide and work with clients throughout the world, offering a comprehensive range of products and services to respond to new challenges in aerospace. Zodiac Aerospace aims to anticipate and support the needs of its clients by responding to the new challenges of the market. For example, the Group is increasingly involved as a full systems integrator through to certification, enhancing its products and services in various areas, such as:
  • Reducing the weight and bulk of onboard equipment and systems to improve aircraft performance
  • Developing ergonomic, modular concepts to improve maintenance and productivity
  • Expanding its range of after-sales services for airline companies
  • Introducing new functions and designs, and comprehensive and integrated cabin solutions that make a real difference in the marketplace and optimize the airlines’ revenues
  • Developing new safety systems that contribute to improving the safety of air travel." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Zodiac Aerospace à son périmètre de consolidation depuis le 1er mars 2018 et a intégré

Zodiac Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace equipment and systems for commercial, regional and business aircraft, as well as helicopters and space applications.
World leader in aerospace equipment and systems on board commercial, regional and business aircraft as well as helicopters, Zodiac Aerospace is also a key player in air safety. In its earliest days, Zodiac contributed to the development of aeronautics by designing hot-air balloons and airplanes. True to its pioneering and innovative spirit, Zodiac invented the concept of the airship in the 1930s, eventually leading to the company’s international expansion in the 1970s. This period also marked a turning point for the company with its gradual redeployment into aerospace. In 2007, the Group refocused its core business and sold its Marine businesses. Today, Zodiac Aerospace is concentrating all its potential and technological lead on aerospace. Based on an internal and external growth strategy, Zodiac Aerospace is continuing its development to ensure constant advances in its businesses. With robust industrial and management processes, Zodiac Aerospace’s technological expertise is based on three core business lines: comfort and life on board aircraft, onboard systems, and safety on the ground and in-flight; and they are grouped into five business segments – Zodiac Cabin & Structures, Zodiac Seats, Zodiac Galleys & Equipment, Zodiac Aircraft Systems, Zodiac Aerosafety, supplemented by the dedicated after-sales business of Zodiac Services. Altogether, the Zodiac Aerospace businesses employ 30,000 people worldwide and work with clients throughout the world, offering a comprehensive range of products and services to respond to new challenges in aerospace. Zodiac Aerospace aims to anticipate and support the needs of its clients by responding to the new challenges of the market. For example, the Group is increasingly involved as a full systems integrator through to certification, enhancing its products and services in various areas, such as:
  • Reducing the weight and bulk of onboard equipment and systems to improve aircraft performance
  • Developing ergonomic, modular concepts to improve maintenance and productivity
  • Expanding its range of after-sales services for airline companies
  • Introducing new functions and designs, and comprehensive and integrated cabin solutions that make a real difference in the marketplace and optimize the airlines’ revenues
  • Developing new safety systems that contribute to improving the safety of air travel." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Zodiac Aerospace dans sa communication financière périodique.

À propos de


Zodiac Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace equipment and systems for commercial, regional and business aircraft, as well as helicopters and space applications.
World leader in aerospace equipment and systems on board commercial, regional and business aircraft as well as helicopters, Zodiac Aerospace is also a key player in air safety. In its earliest days, Zodiac contributed to the development of aeronautics by designing hot-air balloons and airplanes. True to its pioneering and innovative spirit, Zodiac invented the concept of the airship in the 1930s, eventually leading to the company’s international expansion in the 1970s. This period also marked a turning point for the company with its gradual redeployment into aerospace. In 2007, the Group refocused its core business and sold its Marine businesses. Today, Zodiac Aerospace is concentrating all its potential and technological lead on aerospace. Based on an internal and external growth strategy, Zodiac Aerospace is continuing its development to ensure constant advances in its businesses. With robust industrial and management processes, Zodiac Aerospace’s technological expertise is based on three core business lines: comfort and life on board aircraft, onboard systems, and safety on the ground and in-flight; and they are grouped into five business segments – Zodiac Cabin & Structures, Zodiac Seats, Zodiac Galleys & Equipment, Zodiac Aircraft Systems, Zodiac Aerosafety, supplemented by the dedicated after-sales business of Zodiac Services. Altogether, the Zodiac Aerospace businesses employ 30,000 people worldwide and work with clients throughout the world, offering a comprehensive range of products and services to respond to new challenges in aerospace. Zodiac Aerospace aims to anticipate and support the needs of its clients by responding to the new challenges of the market. For example, the Group is increasingly involved as a full systems integrator through to certification, enhancing its products and services in various areas, such as:

  • Reducing the weight and bulk of onboard equipment and systems to improve aircraft performance
  • Developing ergonomic, modular concepts to improve maintenance and productivity
  • Expanding its range of after-sales services for airline companies
  • Introducing new functions and designs, and comprehensive and integrated cabin solutions that make a real difference in the marketplace and optimize the airlines’ revenues
  • Developing new safety systems that contribute to improving the safety of air travel." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Zodiac Aerospace



Zodiac Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace equipment and systems for commercial, regional and business aircraft, as well as helicopters and space applications.
World leader in aerospace equipment and systems on board commercial, regional and business aircraft as well as helicopters, Zodiac Aerospace is also a key player in air safety. In its earliest days, Zodiac contributed to the development of aeronautics by designing hot-air balloons and airplanes. True to its pioneering and innovative spirit, Zodiac invented the concept of the airship in the 1930s, eventually leading to the company’s international expansion in the 1970s. This period also marked a turning point for the company with its gradual redeployment into aerospace. In 2007, the Group refocused its core business and sold its Marine businesses. Today, Zodiac Aerospace is concentrating all its potential and technological lead on aerospace. Based on an internal and external growth strategy, Zodiac Aerospace is continuing its development to ensure constant advances in its businesses. With robust industrial and management processes, Zodiac Aerospace’s technological expertise is based on three core business lines: comfort and life on board aircraft, onboard systems, and safety on the ground and in-flight; and they are grouped into five business segments – Zodiac Cabin & Structures, Zodiac Seats, Zodiac Galleys & Equipment, Zodiac Aircraft Systems, Zodiac Aerosafety, supplemented by the dedicated after-sales business of Zodiac Services. Altogether, the Zodiac Aerospace businesses employ 30,000 people worldwide and work with clients throughout the world, offering a comprehensive range of products and services to respond to new challenges in aerospace. Zodiac Aerospace aims to anticipate and support the needs of its clients by responding to the new challenges of the market. For example, the Group is increasingly involved as a full systems integrator through to certification, enhancing its products and services in various areas, such as:

  • Reducing the weight and bulk of onboard equipment and systems to improve aircraft performance
  • Developing ergonomic, modular concepts to improve maintenance and productivity
  • Expanding its range of after-sales services for airline companies
  • Introducing new functions and designs, and comprehensive and integrated cabin solutions that make a real difference in the marketplace and optimize the airlines’ revenues
  • Developing new safety systems that contribute to improving the safety of air travel." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Zodiac Aerospace est un leader mondial des équipements et systèmes aéronautiques, à destination des avions commerciaux, régionaux, d’affaires, ainsi que des hélicoptères et du spatial. Il développe et fabrique des solutions de pointe pour améliorer le confort et les installations à bord, ainsi que des systèmes de haute technologie afin d’améliorer la performance des avions et la sécurité des vols.

Zodiac Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace equipment and systems for commercial, regional and business aircraft, as well as helicopters and space applications.
World leader in aerospace equipment and systems on board commercial, regional and business aircraft as well as helicopters, Zodiac Aerospace is also a key player in air safety. In its earliest days, Zodiac contributed to the development of aeronautics by designing hot-air balloons and airplanes. True to its pioneering and innovative spirit, Zodiac invented the concept of the airship in the 1930s, eventually leading to the company’s international expansion in the 1970s. This period also marked a turning point for the company with its gradual redeployment into aerospace. In 2007, the Group refocused its core business and sold its Marine businesses. Today, Zodiac Aerospace is concentrating all its potential and technological lead on aerospace. Based on an internal and external growth strategy, Zodiac Aerospace is continuing its development to ensure constant advances in its businesses. With robust industrial and management processes, Zodiac Aerospace’s technological expertise is based on three core business lines: comfort and life on board aircraft, onboard systems, and safety on the ground and in-flight; and they are grouped into five business segments – Zodiac Cabin & Structures, Zodiac Seats, Zodiac Galleys & Equipment, Zodiac Aircraft Systems, Zodiac Aerosafety, supplemented by the dedicated after-sales business of Zodiac Services. Altogether, the Zodiac Aerospace businesses employ 30,000 people worldwide and work with clients throughout the world, offering a comprehensive range of products and services to respond to new challenges in aerospace. Zodiac Aerospace aims to anticipate and support the needs of its clients by responding to the new challenges of the market. For example, the Group is increasingly involved as a full systems integrator through to certification, enhancing its products and services in various areas, such as:
  • Reducing the weight and bulk of onboard equipment and systems to improve aircraft performance
  • Developing ergonomic, modular concepts to improve maintenance and productivity
  • Expanding its range of after-sales services for airline companies
  • Introducing new functions and designs, and comprehensive and integrated cabin solutions that make a real difference in the marketplace and optimize the airlines’ revenues
  • Developing new safety systems that contribute to improving the safety of air travel." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Zodiac Aerospace, une société du Groupe
logo du groupe Safran

Safran  est un groupe international de haute technologie opérant dans les domaines de la propulsion et des équipements aéronautiques, de l'espace et de la défense. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie plus de 92 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre d'affaires de 21 milliards d'euros en 2018. Safran occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Pour répondre à l'évolution des marchés, le Groupe s'engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui ont représenté en 2018 des dépenses d’environ 1,5 milliard d'euros.
Safran est une société cotée sur Euronext Paris et fait partie des indices CAC 40 et Euro Stoxx 50." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Safran* depuis février 2018, compte 32 500 employés dans le monde et a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires de 5,1 Mds € pour son exercice clos le 31 août 2017.



logo du groupe Safran

Safran  est un groupe international de haute technologie opérant dans les domaines de la propulsion et des équipements aéronautiques, de l'espace et de la défense. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie plus de 92 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre d'affaires de 21 milliards d'euros en 2018. Safran occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Pour répondre à l'évolution des marchés, le Groupe s'engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui ont représenté en 2018 des dépenses d’environ 1,5 milliard d'euros.
Safran est une société cotée sur Euronext Paris et fait partie des indices CAC 40 et Euro Stoxx 50." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Safran
est un groupe international de haute technologie opérant dans les domaines de la propulsion et des équipements aéronautiques, de l’espace et de la défense. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie près de 58 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre d’affaires de 16,5 milliards d’euros en 2017.
logo du groupe Safran

Safran  est un groupe international de haute technologie opérant dans les domaines de la propulsion et des équipements aéronautiques, de l'espace et de la défense. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie plus de 92 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre d'affaires de 21 milliards d'euros en 2018. Safran occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Pour répondre à l'évolution des marchés, le Groupe s'engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui ont représenté en 2018 des dépenses d’environ 1,5 milliard d'euros.
Safran est une société cotée sur Euronext Paris et fait partie des indices CAC 40 et Euro Stoxx 50." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Safran est une société cotée sur Euronext Paris et fait partie des indices CAC 40 et Euro Stoxx 50.


Pour plus d’informations : et / Suivez @

logo du groupe Safran

Safran  est un groupe international de haute technologie opérant dans les domaines de la propulsion et des équipements aéronautiques, de l'espace et de la défense. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie plus de 92 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre d'affaires de 21 milliards d'euros en 2018. Safran occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Pour répondre à l'évolution des marchés, le Groupe s'engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui ont représenté en 2018 des dépenses d’environ 1,5 milliard d'euros.
Safran est une société cotée sur Euronext Paris et fait partie des indices CAC 40 et Euro Stoxx 50." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Safran et @ZodiacAerospace sur Twitter


[1] L’endettement net ne prend pas en compte le financement hybride d’un montant nominal de 250M€ comptabilisé dans les capitaux propres conformément aux principes comptables et dont le remboursement anticipé a été initié courant mars 2018.

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