Caroline du Sud - USA
"I am the law !"
Le type qui filme a rencontré un SDF juste à côté de l'entrée du Mc Do. Il lui propose de lui payer à manger. Cela ne plaît pas au gérant qui appelle la police. Cette femme policier qui fait son travail, demande aux deux hommes de quitter les lieux. Palabres...
Toute la différence entre éthique et morale comme on peut voir en France avec l'aide humanitaire aux migrants. L'éthique : "Je respecte la loi". La morale : "Je ne peux pas laisser ce type crever de faim sous mon nez".
MB-209: [menacingly] Please put down your french fries. You have twenty seconds to comply.
McManager: I think you'd better do what he says, Mr. HomelessGuy.
[Mr. HomelessGuy drops his french fires on the floor. MB-209 advances, growling]
MB-209: You now have fifteen seconds to comply.
[Mr. HomelessGuy turns to Mr. GoodSamaritanGuy, who looks nervous]
MB-209: You are in direct violation of Penal Code 1.13, Section 9.
[entire dining room of people in full panic trying to stay out of the line of fire, especially Mr. HomelessGuy]
MB-209: You have five seconds to comply.
HomelessGuy: Help...! Help me! Please help me Mr. McManager!
MB-209: Four... three... two... one... I am now authorized to use physical force!
Mr. GoodSamaritanGuy: YOU SUCK! - PLEASE WAIT !! ...
[ED-209 opens fire and shreds Mr. HomelessGuy]