Magazine Cuisine

Champagne White Chocolate Marshmallows

Par Butterchantilly @butterchantilly

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Champagne White Chocolate Marshmallows

Happy New Year to all of you ! I wish you the best and everything you could ever wish for. I'm not gonna make any resolutions this year. 2018 and my life are more than ever a question mark. We'll see what this year will bring my way, hoping for the best.

Champagne White Chocolate Marshmallows

The holidays and December went by pretty fast. I got to spend some quality time with my family and this is the most important. And I've been spoiled as usual. But mybrother and my sister in law gave us the best present they could this year: the most beautiful and adorable baby girl. She's the first baby of the family and no need to say that we all adore her. And they offered me to be her godmother as well. She's currently my ray of light.

Champagne White Chocolate Marshmallows

This is the first time I am offered to be a godmother and I am an aunt for the first time as well. Needless to say how precious this baby girl is to me and how much I love her. I was lucky enough to babysit her several times in the last weeks because they moved here from Paris close to my parents house, so I get to see them and her even more. I try to spend as much time as possible with her before moving back to Paris at the end of January.

Champagne White Chocolate Marshmallows

It's not always easy to take care of a baby but I think I realized something about parenting. Even though I am not a parent yet. I think that these 5% time when they smile at you, kiss you, hug you or when you just watch them sleep peacefully make up for the 95% of the sleepless nights and all the struggles and worrying ... In the end it is all worth it. I really hope to be a mom someday.

Champagne White Chocolate Marshmallows

I'm a big Christmas fan but not much a New Year's Eve one. I never got why you have the obligation to party because the year is changing. My best NYE were the one with my family or with a few friends in my pjs watching movies while eating pizzas and chocolates.

Champagne White Chocolate Marshmallows

This year I thought I would work but without asking for anything I had my day off and my cousins, uncles and aunts decided to join us at the last minute. We used to celebrate Christmas all together when I was a teenager and I've been missing that so it was really great to be all together to enter 2018 and spend a few days eating way too much all together.

Champagne White Chocolate Marshmallows

About These Fancy sweet Champagne White Chocolate Marshmallows they will be perfect for any special occasion: holidays, Valentines' Day, Wedding, Birthdays or just to make life a little bit fancier one bite at a time. I made them for the Holidays this year but I actually came up with this recipe last year for my mom's 60th surprise birthday party.

Champagne White Chocolate Marshmallows

She loves Champagne chocolate truffles and everything white chocolate. I thought it would be perfect. It melts in your mouth and you have the light soft crunch of the white chocolate that balance the light gesture of the marshmallow and the last taste that last in your mouth is this Champagne Flavor. Beware of the sugar rush !

Champagne White Chocolate Marshmallows

I used some Marc de Champagne to add more flavor. I have to admit that even in France it's hard to get, I had to order it online. If you don't find it you have three options left, either looking for some Champagneartificial flavor, substituting some strong Cognac or Brandy liquor or just not substituting anything.

Champagne White Chocolate Marshmallows

They are just delicious and they didn't last long. It is totally worth the work if you ask me ! Let me know what you think.And you ? Did you spend great holidays ? Do you like New Year's Eve ? Do you like to make resolutions ?

Champagne White Chocolate Marshmallows

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