Le sculpteur Anthony Gormley fait scandale !

Publié le 02 mai 2017 par Thierry Grizard @Artefields

Antony Gormley fait scandale

Le sculpteur Antony Gormley est empêtré dans une polémique sur l’ambiguïté de l’installation d’une de ses sculptures totémiques sur le toit de l’Université de East Anglia.

A university has been criticised for positioning a human statue on the side of its Library roof The stone sculpture has been mistaken by many as a real person – with many fearing it creates connotations of suicide. It was erected on top of the University of East Anglia

The stone sculpture has been mistaken by many as a real person – with many fearing it creates connotations of suicide.

It was erected on top of the University of East Anglia (UEA), in Norwich, on Tuesday, but its placement so close to exam season has been described as ‘tactless’.

Pharmacist Michael Wood, 47, who works nearby, said: « Did nobody think it might be a bad idea to put what looks a suicidal person on top of a building?

« From a distance, it looks like someone who is about to jump. You are more likely to think that than assume it might be a piece of art.

« It’s clearly not been thought through and it’s come at a really bad time of year when many students struggle with exam season.

« It’s nothing short of bad taste and I can’t see anyone except the university being in favour of it. »

Students have also taken to Twitter to criticise the art installation.[…]


Thierry Grizard | Artefields.

Webmaster et auteur.

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