Une Nouvelle Chronique pour découvrir Paris différemment.

Publié le 06 avril 2016 par Hotel Le Mathurin @LeMathurin

Paris regorge de d'idée pour s'embellir ou cacher des choses... nous attaquons ce jour une nouvelle chronique qui vous emmènera autour des trompe-l'œil et fresques murales emblématique de la Capitale Française...

Commençons par le trompe-l'œil le plus proche de l'hôtel situé au croisement de la rue de Penthièvre et de l'avenue Declassé : le fameux Balcon de Fabio Rieti.
Dans cette peinture, les seuls éléments qui ne sont pas en trompe-l'œil sont les 2 arcs boutant qui évitent au mur de s'écrouler. A noter, le faux 3D de la droite, qui fait croire que la façade est en relief. Au 2ème étage un homme sur sa chaise, les bras posés sur la rambarde du balcon, observe la sculpture de la femme située au même niveau. Cet homme n'est autre que Fabio Rieti lui-même. Au centre, mais maintenant disparus à cause de l'usure du temps, 2 oiseaux volaient côte à côte.

On peut également observer que le soleil éclaire la peinture depuis la droite, puisque vous pouvez observer la fausse ombre de l'immeuble sur la partie gauche du mur.

Fabio RIETI, that traveler to the three homelands - Italy, the United States and France - is a man of cities. He has devoted his life and his work. This is the United States that his artistic career will begin. In 1948 he migrated to Italy and it was during this period that he will be interested inceramics who will later lead to public art (Online Courbevoie and Nanterre). For many years he has " sailed " between the United States and Italy but in 1956 he decided to settle in Paris.
Fabio RIETI exhibited his paintings in many cities in New York in 1963 and 1965, in Rome in 1969 and Paris three times in the 60s. " I've never done major exhibitions in Paris. It is true that I've never done a real career as a painter, I have always remained somewhat marginal. Where I did not stay, it is in public art, painted wall. "

A new blog column to discover a different side to Paris Paris is simply brimming with ideas to embellish or conceal things...Today we're starting a new column that will take you to the most iconic trompe-l'œil and frescoes in the French capital... Let's start with the trompe-l'œil that's closest to the hotel on the corner of Rue de Penthièvre and Avenue Declassé: the famous Balcon by Fabio Rieti. The only elements in this painting that are not trompe-l'œil are the two buttresses that are preventing the wall from collapsing. Notice the false 3D feature to the right that makes it appear that the façade is protruding. On the second floor a man sitting on a chair with his arms on the balcony rail looks at the sculpture of the woman on the same floor. The man is none other than Fabio Rieti himself. In the centre there were once two birds flying side by side, but they have worn away over time. You can tell that the sun illuminates the painting from the right as there is a false shadow of the building on the left-hand side of the wall.