Un gars pas content du tout

Publié le 31 décembre 2015 par Didier Vincent

Un authentique rageux !

Le conducteur dit dans son commentaire qu'il a une arme sur lui (on est aux US) et que si le rageux avait cassé la vitre il était un légitime défense.

Tout ça pour une simple histoire de stop. (Je l'ai mis en photo).Au départ le rageux est devant lui, arrêté au stop. Notre conducteur le double sur la droite sans s'arrêter comme le panneau l'y autorise. Cela n'a pas eu l'heurt de plaire à ce bouseux et il a démarré en trombe en tournant à droite devant lui sans mettre son clignotant afin de l'empêcher de passer.

La scène à laquelle on assiste a lieu au feu rouge suivant.

I was driving home from work following this guy. We came upon a stop sign. (except right turn) He didn't signal a right turn so I moved to the right to avoid having to stop. He then turned right prompting me to break quickly to avoid him. Several minutes later at the next red light he went into the left turn lane then got on my six (behind me) and followed me for a while. Once we hit a long red light he got out of his car and approached me. I remained calm for two reasons. One.. I was filming.. Two.. I had a pistol in my lap under a coat. (I have a conceal carry license) If the window broke and he assaulted me, I was going to protect myself.

I called the police shortly after. Turns out he also called the police claiming I hit his car. Cop came to my house to check my car for damage.. he found none. I didn't hit the guy. Showed this video to the officer and gave him a copy on a thumb drive. Waiting to follow up tomorrow.

BTW: Flipping your wig is an expression meaning going ballistic or apeshit or bananas or whatever you want to call it. Hope you enjoyed this information.