Je n'arrive pas à trouver les mots pour exprimer la colère et la tristesse que je ressens depuis vendredi soir.
Je préfère partager avec vous des textes, des photos et des musiques qui m'ont touché.
Bien sûr, il ne faut pas rester enfermé chez soi et profiter de Paris avec ces restaurants, bars, concerts, promenades, musées, etcMais cela ne va plus être pareil..
The Beatles "All you need is love"
John Lennon "Imagine"
Cherry Ghost "People help the people"
Toutes mes pensées vont aux victimes et à leurs proches...
I can not find the words to express the anger and sadness that I feel since Friday night.I prefer to share with you the texts, photos and music that touched me.*Photos, Texts & Videos in the french part*
This Sunday, I spent my day with my family in the countryside, far from Paris. I posted this picture on my Instagram. I completely agree with these words except that returning to Paris this morning in my car, tears poured as I thought not to be afraid but ultimately it is the case, I'm afraid.
Of course, we should not stay locked at home and no longer enjoy Paris with these restaurants, bars, concerts, walks, museums, etc.But it won’t be the same anymore…
All my thoughts are with the victims ..