Le rouge sur les lèvres, c'est cool mais on a pas envie d'être en mode Marilyn tous les jours. Perso, depuis 1 ou 2 ans, j'ai découvert les gloss rouge, plus subtiles et plus passes-partout !
1// Le gloss d' Yves Rocher en teinte Rouge Intense #31

I adore these lipglosses from Yves Rocher, they're awesome, they're not sticky at all, lightweight on the lips and they last pretty well!
This red shade looks orangy-red and it melts with you lips shade soit looks so natural ! It's more shiny than glossy to make it even more discret!
Bonus : Thanks to the applicator, it nearly applies by itself.

2// Le Gloss Interdit de Givenchy en teinte #11 "Succulent Orange"

This one is the less discret of my little selection, but still in the topic !
More opaque and more orange than the previous one, this gloss lasts way better. I mean FOR A GLOSS. It's glossier too, and it's the reason why I decided too talk about two lipglosses : they're are the same type of products but so different at the end!
Bonus : This one has little gold sparkles which make it more luminous !