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Hz Monthly Mixtape – September15
Publié le 07 septembre 2015 par
Chaque mois, la mixtape de la rédaction, à écouter et télécharger. Ce mois-ci, deux parties, north & south, à vous de choisir. Download
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/222618169&amp;amp;amp;color=ff5500&amp;amp;amp;auto_play=false&amp;amp;amp;hide_related=false&amp;amp;amp;show_comments=true&amp;amp;amp;show_user=true&amp;amp;amp;show_reposts=false"> Hz Monthly Mixtape &#8211; SUMMER15 PART NORTH 01. John Lemke &#8211; Kleinod 02. Angel Ho &#8211; Yah Cunt 03. Haf Haf &#8211; Kuro No Meiro 04. Skinny Puppy &#8211; Sleeping Beast 05. Helena Hauff &#8211; Spur 06. SNTS &#8211; le B1 07. Szeb &#8211; Gomb V2 08. Rrose &#8211; Purge 09. Ben Vedren &amp; Pit Spector &#8211; Rave 3000 10. Jedsa Soundorom &#8211; Champagne (jef k Remix) 11. Positive Centre &#8211; Great Excavator 12. Ryo Murakami &#8211; Bias Hz Monthly Mixtape &#8211; SUMMER15 PART SOUTH 01. Plapla Pinky &#8211; Appel 02. Night Court &#8211; Hector&#8217;s Crew 03. Crystalite Feat. Kristen &#8211; Cut By A Laser 04. S3A &#8211; Theuz Hamtaak 05. Savant &#8211; Shadow In Deceit 06. The Magic Valley Tarot Society &#8211; MVTS5 07. Shannon and the Clams &#8211; How Long? 08. Young Thug x Lotic &#8211; Halftime x Phlegm 09. Brookee Burnside &#8211; Freestyle 1 10. Lou Barlow &#8211; Nerve 11. Destroyer &#8211; Times Square 12. Blank Realm &#8211; Gold 13. Low &#8211; What Part Of Me 14. Cymande &#8211; Getting It Back 15. Here We Go Magic &#8211; Ordinary Feeling</span>