
Politique USA

Publié le 01 novembre 2008 par Frenetik

Voici le genre de mails que je reçoit 2 fois par jour en ce moment. Ils ont une drole de façon de faire de la politique ces ricains tout de meme ! non ?


David --
I'm writing to report that we're seeing a surge of support in states we didn't expect to be close contests, including Georgia and North Dakota.
But the latest battleground is a major opportunity:
John McCain's home state of Arizona -- where we go on the air today.
Democrats haven't been able to compete in these states in years -- and each could open a new path to victory on Election Day. Make a donation of $5 or more today to expand our efforts in these new battleground states.
As a bonus, any donation you make today means you could be selected for a trip to join Barack in Chicago on Election Night. We'll fly you and a guest in, put you up in a hotel, and make sure you have some of the best seats for our huge public event with tens of thousands of supporters:


Volunteers and staff are on the move in these new battleground states, and if we can provide them with the right support, they could put us over the top four days from now.
We can't take anything for granted, and this election is too important to ignore any potential path to victory. We need your help right now.
Please make a donation to help us change the electoral map, and bring a real change to our country:
It's a volatile political landscape, and in the final four days we have to take the fight to our opponents everywhere we can.
Thank you,
David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
P.S. -- If you cannot make a donation, you can still help get us across the finish line by volunteering to help get out the vote:


Paid for by Obama for America

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