Magazine Culture

Pour en finir...

Publié le 03 juin 2008 par Pintini
...avec cette prétendue opposition entre les "adeptes des innovations" et les "défenseurs des valeurs sûres". Il ne s'agit que d'une question de mentalité, de compétences, de motivation. Le reste relève d'une rhétorique un peu scolaire.
"Much has been made of the purported difference between tech-savvy Web 2.0 librarians and the old guard. In practice, we know this is largely an ageist mischaracterization. All of us work with colleagues who are meeting the challenges of a changing field head-on, regardless of experience or status. That said, the digital librarian divide isn't the point. The point is what individuals are able and motivated to do within our institutional contexts."
(source: Finding Your Inner Moxie, Lia Friedman, Char Booth, Library Journal, mai 2008, vol. 133, n° 9)

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