
Ecoutes Mai 2008

Publié le 31 mai 2008 par Pop Culture
Album du mois :
Ecoutes Mai 2008
Robert Le Magnifique - Oh Yeah baby…
(en lien les disques chroniqués)

Deschannel They Know Nothing, They Recite

Hitchcockgohome! You cannot be serious 7

Delon & Dalcan Tanz 5

Heartbreak Hotel Snake eyes 4.5

Barth Cuchillo 6

Pollyanna On Concrete 5.5

Arman Méliès Casino 6

Brittain Ashford There, But For You, Go I 6.5

Robert Le Magnifique Oh Yeah baby… 9

Guillemots red 8.5

Albin de la Simone bungalow ! 8.5

Myguk Le dernier des Hommes 8

Vincent Vincent and the Villains Gospel Bombs 5

Arnaud le Gouëfflec et l'orchestre préhistorique A Dreuze 6

Scratch Massive Underground needs Your money Baby 7

For Against Shade Side Sunny Side 7

Gong Gong Mary's Spring 7

Experience Nous (en) sommes encore là 7.5

Remote Dark Enough 8

Temposhark The invisible Line 3

Jonaz Pirate libre 7

Daven Keller Réaction A 7.5

Islands arm's way 5.5

Jori Hulkkonen errare machinale est 7

The sleeping years we're becoming islands one by one 6.5

The last shadow puppets the age of understatement 8

Double U The imaginary band 7.5

Psykick Lyrikah Vu d'ici 8.5

We Are Scientists Brain Thrust Mastery 6.5

Ludéal Ludéal 15

Poni Hoax images of Sigrid 8

A Human third Hand Prophecy 7

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