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Inspiring... but all the same...

Par La Maison D' Anna G
Enjoying some nice real estate inspiration from Stadshem tonight... Home staging is a great, but why do all apartments have to look the same? These photos are from several different apartments...Personally I like this neutral white-grey-wood-black palette very much, but surely there must be other hues that are just as "commercial"?
Je m'inspire sur le site immobilier Stadshem ce soir... Home staging est une très bonne chose, mais pourquoi tous les appartements doivent se ressembler? Ces photos viennent de plusieurs appartements différents... Personnellement cette palette neutre en blanc-gris-bois-noir me plait beaucoup, mais il doit certainement y avoir d'autres teintes tout aussi "commerciales"?
Inspiring... but all the same... Inspiring... but all the same... Inspiring... but all the same... Inspiring... but all the same... Inspiring... but all the same... Inspiring... but all the same... Inspiring... but all the same... Inspiring... but all the same... Inspiring... but all the same... Inspiring... but all the same... Inspiring... but all the same... Inspiring... but all the same...  Source Stadshem

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