I love copper! I will soon show you a DIY that I did in my kitchen... Here are the latest trends for a festive copper-coloured Christmas. I wish I could give you lots of good recipes for this end of year but I was so overwhelmed that I have not had time to prepare anything... You will soon be able to see that the blog will get a big graphic renewal, a new and fresh look that I can not wait to introduce you to! As for me, I surely will cook typical Polish bortsch, beetroot soup eaten at Christmas. I recently tested a version that allows the use of cooked beets, because raw beets are so hard to find! I will display it very soon...

1. Bobine de fil / Twine - I Love Kutchi (7€)
3. Plat à gâteau / Cake stand - H&M Home (7,99€)
4. Lampe / Lamp - Factory Chic (99€)
5. Renne décoratif / Decorative copper deer antlers - Cox and Cox (50€)