Magazine Ebusiness

Shopping day is coming, again?

Publié le 02 décembre 2014 par Pnordey @latelier

By L'Atelier - Shanghai

Less than one month after Single Day, online shopping platforms put the ads about shopping campaigns on the homepage. For any special day? If double twelve included.

It is written by Hanna Chen, Analyst Consultant of L'Atelier Asia

This obviously-'double eleven'-copycat online campaign has a history, but stores on Tmall joined in it just from last year. Taobao announced the data that the accumulated number of the sellers with the transaction on 2013 double twelve was up to two million, other results like transaction volume were not published. It seems that double twelve online promotion was not as successful as expected, not mention to compare with transaction on Single Day.

Sellers on Taobao, which usually are mid-to-small size stores, thought that power sellers on Tmall also joined in this battle and took quite a portion of the traffic, since even the Taobao App version separated Brands on Tmall and vendors on Taobao. Brands, however, defended themselves that the profit they could get is quite limited. The promotion would cut the profit while the ads would cost about 10% of total transaction amount, double twelve campaigns are more for branding and ranking than for earn money.

After the Single Day shopping spree, customers need time to refill the wallets. They gradually get tired of the campaigns or even fake ones, and become sober and rational.

Even has much less impact than double eleven, double twelve can't be canceled. Here's still some sellers need to move inventory and some buyers need to add new items. On the other hand, why can't we consider it as a regular online promotion?

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