Même si la texture du foie gras poché avec ses tomates et anguille fumée me fait un peu douter, l'incroyable crème de fenouil, crabe, fleur de coriandre et noisettes me remplit de bonheur. Le cochon est cuit à la perfection, le magret incroyable. Même les desserts sont à tomber, praliné chocolat, ou griottes rôties et shiso. On y court, recourt, et on file même essayer leur autre adresse le Pantruche!Et pour se mettre doublement l'eau à la bouche, on peut aussi écouter le podcast de l'émission "On va déguster" sur France Inter, sur les mauvaises herbes, avec des recettes du chef Baranger!
8 rue Hippolyte Lebas
75009 Paris
I discovered Caillebotte during a hot summer evening, in a quiet street in the 9th arrondissement. Scandinavian stools, marble countertops, concrete and wood combo, trendy light, pretty glass wall where you can see the chef Frank Baranger (among others formed alongside Christian Constant and Eric Fréchon) and his team cook, simmer, accommodate, assemble, create. Although the spirit of the place can remind of some other fashionable Parisian restaurants, the menu is itself tinged with great originality. And here, no microscopic portions, an unbeatable 35 € menu (starter, main course, dessert) where the only disappointment will be to get full halfway through the main course. The service is about smiling and super warm.Although the texture of the poached foie gras with tomato and smoked eel left me dubitative, the incredible fennel cream, crab, flower coriander and nuts filled me with happiness. The pig was cooked to perfection, the duck was incredible. Even the desserts were to die for, praline chocolate, or roasted cherries and shiso. We want to go back, and even try their other address the Pantruche!
And to make you mouth water, you can also listen to the podcast of the show "On va déguster" on France Inter, about bad herbs, with the chef's recipes!