Bone Thugs, hip hop de Cleveland, dans un remix de Bob Marley... Rebel Music... le weed remix... Bob aurait-il fait des ganja remixes? Un morceau reggae dénervé... Moins chaloupé, plus urbain, moins exotique.
Bone Thugs Cleveland hip hop, in a Bob Marley tune remix... Rebel Music... the weed remix... Would have Bob done his own ganja remixes? A slow reggae tunes with an urban rhythm. Less exotic.
Sites de référence / reference website: Bone Thugs Bob Marley
Stay tuned!
technorati tags: bone thugs bob marley reggae hip hop the hythm ganja tags: bone thugs bob marley reggae hip hop the hythm ganja weed
icerocket tags: bone thugs bob marley reggae hip hop the hythm ganja weed
keotag tags: bone thugs bob marley reggae hip hop the hythm ganja weed