- Guy HALLEY, Past-Président du Rotary Club de Pointe-à-Pitre Jarry, Club de Guadeloupe qui a fait de la Drépano son cheval de bataille.
- Le Surinam qui a aussi fait une communication sur ce même sujet.
- Le Gouverneur du District a renchéri en présentant l'animateur de la "Malle Pédagogique Drépano" qui fut présenté.
- Le premier niveau était la Guadeloupe : et tous les Clubs ainsi que le ROTARACT ont répondu positivement.
- Le second niveau était le District et grâce aux trois Gouverneur successif ce second étage est lancé.
- le troisième étage permettra d'atteindre le cœur même du Rotary pour convaincre le Président International que la lutte contre la Drépanocytose est un challenge à la hauteur des ambitions du Rotary International.
L'illustration de ce message est emprunté au livret édité à l'occasion de la Conférence de District de Martinique. Elle fait penser à ce très beau proverbe de chez nous
Foufou fou, mè nich ay bel ! : les Foyalais diraient : mè nich a li bel. Alors dans la belle langue de chez nous on pourrait ajouter : Mè fout yo fou cé foufou là !
Oui ils sont fous ces rotariens du District 7030 de faire émerger de cette minuscule région un tel projet pour TOUS les autres continents AMERIQUE, AFRIQUE, EUROPE, ASIE. ils sont fous, mais leur projet est tellement beau et généreux.
(translated for our English speaking friends with my appologizes
From good source we have learned that the Rotary District 7030 Conference takes place in very good conditions.
It’is an important time for learning and forming Rotary Clubs teams who will take the relay from 1 July 2014 and for 12 months.
Time also to take stock of a year Rotary 2013-2014 nearly ended and to exchange, communicate, advise, listen to opinions on all topics of the moment.
Time to receive the message of the new President International.
One of the important topics of this conference is sickle cell disease: this topic was raised successively
- by Guy HALLEY, Past-Président du Rotary Club de Pointe-à-Pitre Jarry, Club of Guadeloupe who has made the Drepano its workhorse.
- Surinam who also made a presentation on the same topic.
- The District Governor said with the host of the "pedagogical sickle cell Drunk " which was presented.
This “trunk of knowledge” is a specific application of the hospital Necker in Paris and the Palais de la Découverte.
Sickle cell disease is therefore trying to ignite the entire district 7030 and it is the time to amplify from Guadeloupe this movement to try to convince all other District Rotarians, all areas to bring the Rotary International to weigh in the balance of research and information on this disease of pain.
Present in Martinique Alix PURNESH, responsible for Guadeloupe's ' sickle cell disease service', confirmed the immense pedagogical interest of this " sickle cell trunk" for understanding by children and their entourage of the characteristics of this disease and how to manage it by limiting the crises by gestures and simple precautions for possible remote and illiterate populations.
Alix BIBRAC said that she validates the educational content of the trunk, and that she would like at least 2 sickle cell trunks in Guadeloupe.
Jean SABIN of the Rotary Club of Basse-Terre - Saint - Charles and Jacques Simonet President Elect of RC of Pointe-à-Pitre Jarry take the decision to advance the funds to make this sickle cell trunk is retained for Guadeloupe.
Thank you all for these crowned efforts!
A little special greeting to our friends of French Bourgogne who had in December 2013 inaugurated the presentation of this trunk of knowledge and listen to Guy HALLEY present its three levels rocket.
- The first level was Guadeloupe: and all Clubs as well as ROTARACT responded positively.
- The second level was the District and through three successive Governor this second stage is launched.
- the third floor will allow to reach the heart of Rotary to convince President International combating sickle cell disease is a challenge equal to the ambitions of Rotary International.
Illustration of this post is taken from the book published on the occasion of the Conference of District of Martinique. It is reminiscent of this beautiful proverb from us
Humminbird is looking crazy, but his nest is so beautiful!
Then in the also beautiful language of Guadeloupe we could add:
They are crazy those Rotarians from District 7030, But there project is so enthusiastic !
Yes they are crazy those Rotarians from the District 7030 to help emerge from this tiny region such a project needed by other continents America, Africa, EUROPE, Asia. they are crazy, but their project is so beautiful and generous.