Les designers italiens de 4P1B Design Studio nous présentent Persiana, en preview Milan 2014, un système lumineux pour intérieur original.
Persiana, tel un volet ou obturateur de lumière inverse sa fonction pour venir créer une source lumineuse supplémentaire, imitant les rayons du soleil levant.
Plus d’informations sur le studio : « Based in Milan, 4P1B Design Studio operates in the world of design since 2008 and its philosophy is founded on the strong belief that everything is design. Because of this, its work ranges widely from furniture to lighting, from exhibitions to retail designing, from complex concepts to minute details. Thus, 4P1B covers various trade sectors including solution developments for mass productions just as well as focus on experimenting within exclusive limited editions.
At the core of all 4P1B’s works reigns its designing method and the constant strive to optimize formal, functional, commercial and innovative solutions. »
Manque simplement quelques informations sur la source lumineuse employée, ainsi que le système d’alimentation, par câble ?
Plus d’informations sur le studio : 4P1B Design Studio