I have lots of photos to show you from Stockholm, from the Furniture & Light fair, but also from our Bloggers tour. First of all some photos from the Bloggers Apartment that we set up in fabulous real estate agent Fantastic Frank's offices. Thanks to some generous sponsors and Emma's styling skills, "our apartment" felt like a small home... The perfect place for hosting a party for example, which is exactly what we did on Thursday night! More than a 100 designers, bloggers, journalists and other people from the design business came to hang out with us :)

Une grande partie du mobilier et du textile venait de One Nordic Furniture Company, une jeune entreprise finlandaise qui propose une jolie sélection design à l'esprit bien scandinave.
A lot of the furniture and the textile came from One Nordic Furniture Company, a young Finnish company carrying a beautiful selection of new Scandinavian design.

Bang & Olufsen a assuré un son parfait pendant toute la soirée grâce à leur BeoLab18 et BeoLab17 (oui, c'est bien un haut-parleur en bas à gauche!).
Bang & Olufsen provided us with the perfect sound the whole evening thanks to their BeoLab18 and BeoLab17 (yes, bottom left is a loudspeaker!).

Les lits extrêmement comfortables de chez Auping avaient beaucoup de succès pendant la soirée
The extremely comfortable beds from Auping were a popular hangout during the evening.

Bureau, tabouret et chandelier de No Early Birds, et plein d'accessoires sympa de chez Granit.
Desk, stool and candlestick from the talented No Early Birds, and lots of nice accessories from Granit.

All photos by Riikka Kantinkoski / Weekday Carnival