recette d'un savoureux Sauté de poulet {A Tasty Stir-Fry Recipe}

Par Papillon14_rose

Bonjour tout le monde !

Apres les fêtes nous avons besoin de reprendre une cuisine plus saine et moins calorique.

Je suis toujours à la recherche de nouvelles recettes d'entrée surtout si on aime cuisiner et que c'est toujours passionnant de tester de nouveaux plats pour ceux qui aiment la cuisine. Et aujourd'hui je m'oriente vers un type de cuisson qui devient de plus en plus populaire de par sa simplicite : Le sauté

Souvent considéré comme un moyen simple et economique de préparer un plat et qui dégage de belles saveurs

Si vous êtes intéressé par des idees de recettes de sautés, il y a un excellent livre plein de recettes sur M&S dans la section de cuisine. Parmis les nombreux livres de cuisine disponibles dans cette collection, "Easy Sauté" contient un certain nombre de recettes faciles et délicieuses.

Mais en attendant, si vous êtes à la recherche d'une recette saine apres les fêtes, je vous propose une délicieuse recette à base de poulet, et legumes. Une recette tirée de M&S.

Une Version en Anglais se trouve en bas de l'article

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

  • ">
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

  • ">
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

  • ">- 2 cuillères à soupe d'huile végétale

    - 2 Simply M&S large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">2 grosse gousse d'ail 2 Simply M&S large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">2 Simply M&S large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • "> 
    2 Simply M&S large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">2 Simply M&S large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 2 Simply M&S; large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

  • ">Juice of 2 Simply M&S oranges
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">M&S
    , pelées et coupées en tranches

    - 500 g Simply M&S chicken breast fillets, cut into 10 x 2cm strips

  • 500 g Simply M&S; chicken breast fillets, cut into 10 x 2cm strips

  • ">
  • 500 g Simply M&S; chicken breast fillets, cut into 10 x 2cm strips

  • ">
  • 500 g Simply M&S; chicken breast fillets, cut into 10 x 2cm strips

  • ">500 g d'escalope 500 g Simply M&S chicken breast fillets, cut into 10 x 2cm strips
  • 500 g Simply M&S; chicken breast fillets, cut into 10 x 2cm strips

  • ">
  • 500 g Simply M&S; chicken breast fillets, cut into 10 x 2cm strips

  • ">
  • 500 g Simply M&S; chicken breast fillets, cut into 10 x 2cm strips

  • ">500 g Simply M&S chicken breast fillets, cut into 10 x 2cm strips
  • 500 g Simply M&S; chicken breast fillets, cut into 10 x 2cm strips

  • ">
  • 500 g Simply M&S; chicken breast fillets, cut into 10 x 2cm strips

  • ">
  • 500 g Simply M&S; chicken breast fillets, cut into 10 x 2cm strips

  • ">de poulet 
    M&S, coupées en bandes de 10 x 2cm

    - 4 Simply M&S peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">4 poivrons de  4 Simply M&S peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">4 Simply M&S peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • "> 
    4 Simply M&S peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">4 Simply M&S peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">Juice of 2 Simply M&S oranges
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">M&S
    ( rouge, jaune ou orange ou de mélange des trois), évidées et emincées. 

    4 Simply M&S peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">
  • 4 Simply M&S; peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced

  • ">- 8 Simply M&S salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise
  • 8 Simply M&S; salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise

  • ">
  • 8 Simply M&S; salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise

  • ">
  • 8 Simply M&S; salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise

  • ">8
    8 Simply M&S salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise
  • 8 Simply M&S; salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise

  • ">
  • 8 Simply M&S; salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise

  • ">
  • 8 Simply M&S; salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise

  • ">8 Simply M&S salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise
  • 8 Simply M&S; salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise

  • ">
  • 8 Simply M&S; salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise

  • ">
  • 8 Simply M&S; salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise

  • ">oignons verts
    8 Simply M&S salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise
  • 8 Simply M&S; salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise

  • ">
  • 8 Simply M&S; salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise

  • ">
  • 8 Simply M&S; salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise

  • ">Juice of 2 Simply M&S oranges
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">M&S
    , coupées en deux et râpées finement dan la longueur

    - 400 g Simply M&S runner beans, stringed, topped, tailed & sliced on diagonal

  • 400 g Simply M&S; runner beans, stringed, topped, tailed & sliced on diagonal

  • ">
  • 400 g Simply M&S; runner beans, stringed, topped, tailed & sliced on diagonal

  • ">
  • 400 g Simply M&S; runner beans, stringed, topped, tailed & sliced on diagonal

  • ">400 g de  haricots verts Juice of 2 Simply M&S oranges
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">M&S
    400 g Simply M&S runner beans, stringed, topped, tailed & sliced on diagonal
  • 400 g Simply M&S; runner beans, stringed, topped, tailed & sliced on diagonal

  • ">
  • 400 g Simply M&S; runner beans, stringed, topped, tailed & sliced on diagonal

  • ">
  • 400 g Simply M&S; runner beans, stringed, topped, tailed & sliced on diagonal

  • "> 

    - Juice of 2 Simply M&S oranges

  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">Jus de 2 Juice of 2 Simply M&S oranges
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">Juice of 2 Simply M&S oranges
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">
  • Juice of 2 Simply M&S; oranges

  • ">oranges

    - Salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • ">
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • ">
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • ">Sel et poivre noir fraîchement moulu

    1. Heat a wok over a high heat.">

  • Heat a wok over a high heat.">
  • Heat a wok over a high heat.">
  • Heat a wok over a high heat.">Chauffer un wok à feu vif.

  • ">
    ">Ajouter l'huile et l'ail et faire sauter pendant 20 secondes ou jusqu'à ce que l'ail prenne une petite coloration.

    2. Add the strips of chicken and stir-fry for 4-5 minutes, or until the chicken becomes golden round the edges.

  • Add the strips of chicken and stir-fry for 4-5 minutes, or until the chicken becomes golden round the edges.

  • ">
  • Add the strips of chicken and stir-fry for 4-5 minutes, or until the chicken becomes golden round the edges.

  • ">
  • Add the strips of chicken and stir-fry for 4-5 minutes, or until the chicken becomes golden round the edges.

  • ">Ajouter les lanières de poulet et faire sauter pendant 4-5 minutes, ou jusqu'à ce que le poulet devienne doré.

    3. Now add the sliced peppers and spring onions to the wok and stir-fry for a minute or two, then add the sliced beans and stir-fry for a couple more minutes.">

  • Now add the sliced peppers and spring onions to the wok and stir-fry for a minute or two, then add the sliced beans and stir-fry for a couple more minutes.">
  • Now add the sliced peppers and spring onions to the wok and stir-fry for a minute or two, then add the sliced beans and stir-fry for a couple more minutes.">
  • Now add the sliced peppers and spring onions to the wok and stir-fry for a minute or two, then add the sliced beans and stir-fry for a couple more minutes.">Maintenant, ajouter les poivrons émincés et les oignons verts dans le wok et faire revenir pendant une minute ou deux, puis ajouter les haricots en tranches et faire sauter pendant quelques minutes de plus.

  • ">

    ">4. Verser le jus d'orange, couvrir et cuire pendant une minute supplémentaire.

    Check to make sure the chicken is cooked through and season to taste.">

  • Check to make sure the chicken is cooked through and season to taste.">
  • Check to make sure the chicken is cooked through and season to taste.">
  • Check to make sure the chicken is cooked through and season to taste.">Assurez-vous que le poulet soit bien cuit. Assaisonner au goût.

  • ">


    ">Servir immédiatement accompagne de riz ou des pates.


    ">To serve with the stir-fry:
    ">To serve with the stir-fry:
    ">To serve with the stir-fry:
    ">- Pour servir avec le sauté :



    ">riz cuit à l'eau ou des nouilles

    - Pour plus de saveurs on peut aussi utiliser du piment finement haché, quelques gouttes de sauce soya, un filet de jus de citron, ou du gingembre haché.

    - Vous pouvez utiliser les légumes que vous avez sous la main comme ici sur la photo tomates cerises, brocolis, ail etc... donc on peut varier les saveurs.


    Voila !!!! Un plat de Sauté de poulet savoureux,  une recette simple et délicieuse . Vous pouvez trouver plus de recettes deSauté super faciles, rapides en vous inspirant de  SOS Cuisine if you'd like to continue experimenting, and since this is a style of cooking that invites so much creativity, and so many different ingredients, experimentation is recommended!"> if you'd like to continue experimenting, and since this is a style of cooking that invites so much creativity, and so many different ingredients, experimentation is recommended!"> if you'd like to continue experimenting, and since this is a style of cooking that invites so much creativity, and so many different ingredients, experimentation is recommended!"> if you'd like to continue experimenting, and since this is a style of cooking that invites so much creativity, and so many different ingredients, experimentation is recommended!"> si vous souhaitez avoir des idées de repas rapides surtout pour les personnes actives.

    Enjoy !

    if you'd like to continue experimenting, and since this is a style of cooking that invites so much creativity, and so many different ingredients, experimentation is recommended!"> if you'd like to continue experimenting, and since this is a style of cooking that invites so much creativity, and so many different ingredients, experimentation is recommended!"> if you'd like to continue experimenting, and since this is a style of cooking that invites so much creativity, and so many different ingredients, experimentation is recommended!"> if you'd like to continue experimenting, and since this is a style of cooking that invites so much creativity, and so many different ingredients, experimentation is recommended!">  

    if you'd like to continue experimenting, and since this is a style of cooking that invites so much creativity, and so many different ingredients, experimentation is recommended!"> if you'd like to continue experimenting, and since this is a style of cooking that invites so much creativity, and so many different ingredients, experimentation is recommended!"> if you'd like to continue experimenting, and since this is a style of cooking that invites so much creativity, and so many different ingredients, experimentation is recommended!"> if you'd like to continue experimenting, and since this is a style of cooking that invites so much creativity, and so many different ingredients, experimentation is recommended!">  

    English Verison

    To Try Finding a new recipe for a delicious entree is always exciting for anyone who enjoys cooking. And in this post, we're going to take a look at a type of cooking that seems to be increasingly popular: stir-fry. Often seen as a simple and cost-effective way to make a dish that's absolutely bursting with flavor, the stir-fry technique is a very effective method that's well worth exploring.
    If you're interested in exploring an array of stir-fry recipes, there's an excellent book full of them featured in the M&S cuisine section. One of many cookbooks available in this collection, "Easy Stir-Fry" contains a number of easy but delicious recipes for you to experiment with. But in the meantime, if you're looking for a healthy stir fry recipe to start with, here's a delicious Chicken, pepper and bean stir fry recipe posted previously by M&S.


    • - 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    • - 2 Simply M&S large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced
    • - 500 g Simply M&S chicken breast fillets, cut into 10 x 2cm strips
    • - 4 Simply M&S peppers, (red, yellow or orange or mix) cored and thinly sliced
    • - 8 Simply M&S salad onions, cut in half and shredded finely lengthwise
    • - 400 g Simply M&S runner beans, stringed, topped, tailed & sliced on diagonal
    • - Juice of 2 Simply M&S oranges
    • - Salt and freshly ground black pepper

    Recipe Directions

    1. Heat a wok over a high heat. Add the oil and garlic and stir-fry for 20 seconds or until just starting to colour.

    • 2. Add the strips of chicken and stir-fry for 4-5 minutes, or until the chicken becomes golden round the edges.
    • 3. Now add the sliced peppers and spring onions to the wok and stir-fry for a minute or two, then add the sliced beans and stir-fry for a couple more minutes. Pour in the orange juice, bang on a lid and cook for a further minute.
    • 4. Check to make sure the chicken is cooked through and season to taste. Serve immediately with rice or noodles.

    To serve with the stir-fry:
    plain boiled rice or noodles.

    • Extra recipe suggestions:
    • A little finely chopped chilli, few dashes of Soy sauce, a squeeze of lime or some grated ginger would all work well in this stir fry.

    Enjoy !