Magazine Amérique du nord

New audio tracks

Publié le 01 mai 2008 par Aqeron

New month so new musics, hoping you will discover and appreciate some new artists:

- Camille, ‘Money Note’: I was waiting nervously her new album since the beginning of the rumor and I’m not disappointed at all… This album is a new proof of the dynamic, original and talented  nature of this “French female singer”. This song is a good example of her creative and vocal performance. I hope now she will come to the States…

- Gnarls Barkley, ‘Going on’: new album of this band discovered thanks to Marie-Helene when I was finishing my wintering, another reason to remember these beautiful moments.

- Hooverphonic, ‘Vinegar & salt”: As a lot of people, I didn’t know this Belgian band before the song “Mad about you” and I just realize that I miss some albums since 3 years. This song is a bit sad (just a bit

) but I listened to it a lot of times during the end of the wintering.

- John Butler Trio, ‘Peaches and cream’: my favourite band (saw them one week ago in Santa Cruz) even if I was a bit disappointed musically by their new album ‘Grand National”, It’s often with this song that I succeed to convert people around me to listen to and appreciate John Butler Trio.

- Moriarty, ‘Private Lily’: because the name Lily reminds me beautiful moments… and I like the its tone.

- Les Yeux Noirs, ‘Balamouk”: French band I didn’t know 3 weeks later. Thanks Ale!!!

- Les Wriggles, ‘Poupine et Thierry”: cause I love their funny songs and cause I didn’t like hunters.

- Portishead, ‘Plastic”: Yeah!!! Finally a third album after 10 years of silence… Wonderful Trip-hop band I love to listen to (as my friend Pascal). And no bad surprise with this new album, only pleasure!

- Sharko, ‘No contest’: all is said in the song: “no contest I am the…!” lol useful in the bad moments to change positively the nood.

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