Magazine Culture

Information literacy (30/04/08)

Publié le 30 avril 2008 par Pintini
- La section IL de l'ALIA (Australian Library and Information Association)
- Quelques observations bibliométriques sur la culture informationnelle
(source: Formist, 28/04/08 / Pré-publication de Alexandre Serres, février 2008)
- Y a-t-il un au-delà de la formation à l’information ? Le cas de l’enseignement supérieur
(source: Formist, 28/04/08 / Communication d'Elisabeth Noël lors du colloque de la FADBEN, mars 2008, Lyon)
- ESCalate conference: The Teaching-Research Interface: Implications for Practice in Higher Education and Further Education
Compte-rendu 1 from ILW, 29/04/08
- Top 100 Tools for Learning (pdf)
(source: Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies (C4LPT) / via iLibrarian, 29/04/08)
- Off-Campus Library Services Conference (avril 08)
(source: The Information Literacy Land of Confusion, 30/04/08)
Quelques présentations (pdf)
* Using Online Tutorials to Reduce Uncertainty in Information Seeking Behavior
* Visual Tutorials for Point- of-Need Instruction in Online Courses
* How It’s Done: Examining Distance Education Library Instruction and Assessment
* Creation, Management, and Assessment of Library Screencasts: The Regis Libraries Animated Tutorials Project
* Information Literacy Successes Compared: Online vs. Face to Face

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