Voilà le seul mail que j’ai reçu de leur part, c’est évidemment un mail généré automatiquement et ça date quand même du 7 mars … depuis silence radio :
Message Subject: ADC Membership
Follow-Up: 43874530
Thank you for your email into the Apple Developer Connection (ADC). This acknowledgment is automatically generated and does not require a reply.
Your request has been assigned the follow-up number listed at the top of this message. When submitting a follow-up email for this request, please include the follow-up number on the first line of your message (not in the subject).
We have forwarded your request to the appropriate ADC team for support. Our ADC Support team is available Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm local time.
Please note that this address <eurodev@apple.com> has been established to provide ADC
membership program-level support to developers. Below are some additional resources that may be of help to you in the future.
Detailed information regarding the services provided through the Apple Developer Connection can be found at:
For more information or to contact one of the following teams within the Apple Developer Connection, please refer to the Contact Us web page at:
ADC Feedback
ADC Programs, Products and Services
Software Seeding Services
Developer Technical Support
ADC Webmaster
Thank you,
The Apple Developer Connection Team
Bravo les mecs, continuez comme ça, Android a donc de beaux jours devant lui ! J’en viens à me demander si Apple n’a pas fait une splendide connerie avec la diffusion de SDK en diffusant quelque chose qu’ils n’auraient pas du … puis du coup aurait fait marche arrière ce qui expliquerait les indisponibilités à répétition.
Bref si vous avez réussi à voir un seul octet de ce mythique SDK, dites moi comment vous avez fait, là personnellement je craque.