Magazine Beaux Arts

Skin off like lightning Breathing flames from thoraces tray Your eyes go gray finding You lock your gaze on to my face

Publié le 27 mai 2013 par Avalonlewis @Avalon_Lewis
J'ai trouvé ma muse. Séance test du 18 mai.Couronne de fleurs faite par mes soins, et chemise noire/col perlée de mon armoire.
Skin off like lightning Breathing flames from thoraces tray Your eyes go gray finding You lock your gaze on to my face
Skin off like lightning Breathing flames from thoraces tray Your eyes go gray finding You lock your gaze on to my face
Skin off like lightning Breathing flames from thoraces tray Your eyes go gray finding You lock your gaze on to my face
Skin off like lightning Breathing flames from thoraces tray Your eyes go gray finding You lock your gaze on to my face
Skin off like lightning Breathing flames from thoraces tray Your eyes go gray finding You lock your gaze on to my face
Skin off like lightning Breathing flames from thoraces tray Your eyes go gray finding You lock your gaze on to my face
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Avalonlewis 365 partages Voir son profil
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