Médias 2.0: ressources

Publié le 26 avril 2008 par Pintini
[ mise à jour: 26/04/08 ]
[ blogs ]
- Information 2.0
(source: Le Monde diplomatique, 22/04/2008)
- ChangeThis
- Online Journalism Blog (UK)
- Journalism 2.0
- 8 blogs d'actualité régionale pour Libération
(source: Le monde des blogs)
[ billets ]
- BASIC principles of online journalism: I is for Interactivity
(source: Online Journalism Blog, 15/04/08)
- BASIC principles of online journalism: S is for Scannability
(source: Online Journalism Blog, 25/02/08)
- The future of local TV is in direct competition with online newspapers for hyperlocal news
(source: The Future of News, 17/04/08)
- Les archives internet de La Tribune deviennent gratuites
(source: ZDNet, 17/04/08)
- The press becomes the press-sphere
(source: BuzzMachine)
- The New Rules of Media
(source: MediaShift, 31/03/08)
- How to take journalism into the 21st century
(source: Social Media, 07/04/08)
- Blogs de journalistes : deux traitements
(source: Blogo Numericus, 08/04/08)
- The tech world's lesson for newspapers, traditional media
(source: Ars Technica, 31/03/08)
- Do Journalists Lower Standards When They Blog?
(source: j's scratchpad, 18/03/08)
- Magazines and online journalism: answers to a student questionnaire
(source: Online Journalism Blog, 08/03/08)
- Ten changes in 10 years for journalists
(source: Online Journalism Blog, 21/02/08)
- Reinventing Journalism On The Web: Links As News, Links As Reporting
(source: Publishing 2.0)
- How Networked Link Journalism Can Give Journalists Collectively The Power Of Google And Digg
(source: Publishing 2.0)
- Come cambiano giornali e web
(source: L'Espresso)
- Basic principles of online journalism: A is for Adaptability
(source: Online Journalism Blog)
- Basic principles of online journalism: B is for Brevity
(source: Online Journalism Blog)
- What (new) skills do you look for in a journalist?
(source: Online Journalism Blog)
[ articles ]
- Un site exutoire pour les "journalistes en colère" | angryjournalist.com
(source: LeMonde.fr, 11/04/08)
- The contribution of online news attributes to its diffusion: An empirical exploration based on a proposed theoretical model for the micro-process of online news adoption/use
(source: First Monday, vol. 13, n° 4, 07/04/08)
- BLEWS: Using Blogs to Provide Context for News Articles
(source: Microsoft Research / publié par l'American Association for Artificial Intelligence / via ResourceShelf, 04/04/08)
- Les articles du Corriere della Sera depuis 1992 sont disponibles en ligne et gratuitement
(source: liste AIB-CUR)
- In Your Facebook. Why more and more journalists are signing up for the popular social networking site
(source: American Journalism Review via Social Media)
- La publicité décline, les journaux misent sur les plus-produits
(source: LeMonde.fr)
- Iannis Pledel (1), Les nouvelles logiques d'expression: blogs et journalisme participatif, vers une e-démocratie?
(source: La Démocratie à l’épreuve de la Société numérique, Editions Karthala (Ed.) (2007) 209-225 - déposé sur ArchiveSIC)
(1) CRAIC - Centre de recherche et d’analyse en information et communication
[ ouvrages ]
- Journalism 2.0: How to Survive and Thrive: A digital literacy guide for the information age (version pdf)
[ actes ]
- Holley, Rose (2007), The Australian Newspapers Digitisation Program: Helping Communities access and explore their newspaper heritage. In Proceedings Australian Media Traditions Conference., Bathurst (Australia). (déposé sur E-LIS)
[ organismes ]
- Society for New Communications Research
- European Journalism Centre
[ outils ]
- Eufeeds (agrégateur de fils RSS)
- NewsBrief et NewsExplorer
(source: Europe Media Monitor, commission européenne)
[ rapports ]
- The State of the News Media 2008 (Etats-Unis)
[ voir aussi ]
- RessourcesESPO / Information & Communication