On Saturday, between two revisions for my exams of this week, I went to an art gallery in Chelsea. You can actually see a picture of some art on my Instagram account. I think it was probably the first time I was walking in this area of New York City. It was very nice and charming. So we took two minutes for a few pictures of my outfit. I know I look totally happy on those pictures (sarcasm), but I really was ! I love chilling in the sun, with my cup of Mocha light Frappuccino.
Shirt : Urban Outfitters
Skirt : Urban Outfitters too
Glasses : Also Urban Outfitters
Shoes : Repetto
Bref, vous avez sans doute pu remarquer que je me suis coupée les Keveux. (oui Keveux avec un K). Margot m'a coupé un truc du genre 10 cm ! Je lui ai demandé de le faire, lui faisant totalement confiance car je ne fais absolument pas confiance aux coiffeurs américains... Pardon. Mais le résultat est plutôt pas mal, non ? J'apprécie particulièrement le fait d'avoir les cheveux beaucoup plus courts !
Anyway, you might notice that I've cut my hair. Indeed, Margot cut something like 4 inches ! OMG. I had to ask her since I don't trust American hair dresses... Sorry. But the result is pretty good isn't it ? I really appreciate having my hair much shorter ! =)
Conseil du jour : Si vous voulez vous couper les cheveux, et faire quelques économies, demandez à un/une ami(e) à qui vous faites vachement beaucoup confiance ! Et dites lui de fuir si ça ne vous convient pas. =)
Advice of the day : if you need to cut your hair, ask a friend you really trust for doing nice things. And tell her or him to run away if it's not good. =)
Un besito.
Elena sans H.