Before going to Copenhagen I also made a short trip to Madrid as part of a cooperation with TriitMe!, a young Spanish company that I had already met in Stockholm last February. The main goal was to visit Casa Decor, a design event that takes place in the Spanish capital until the 23rd of June. I was very happy to meet up with the inspiring TriitMe! team again, because they are so passionate about design and about what they do, plus they are really nice to hang out with :)
Founded in 2012 by Álvaro Portela, the TriitMe! concept includes an online store, offering a selection of handpicked European design that is made available online for a limited number of weeks, as well as the online magazine The Daily Triit, where the team shares their inspiration and design finds.
Casa Decor est un événement design annuel, qui cette année s'est installé dans le bâtiment circulaire et assez spectaculaire de l'ancienne Ambassade de la Grande Bretagne à Madrid, construite en 1966. Pendant cinq semaines (jusqu'au 23 juin), entreprises, designers, stylistes et architectes d'intérieurs mettent en valeur leurs produits et leurs talents grâce aux différents espaces/pièces qui ont été aménagés à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur.
Casa Decor is a yearly design event, which this year has moved into the circular and pretty spectacular building of the former British Embassy in Madrid, built in 1966. During five weeks (until 23rd of June), companies, designers, stylists and interior designers are showcasing their products and talents through the different areas/rooms that have been created indoors and outdoors.
L'une de mes pièces préférés était l'ancien bureau de l'ambassadeur, laissé plus au moins intact. Ambiance très James Bond.
One of my favourite rooms was the ambassador's former office which had been left more or less intact. Atmosphere very James Bond.
J'ai encore plein d'autres photos à vous montrer, mais elles viendront dans un 2ème post...
I still have lots more photos to show you, but they will come in a 2nd post...
Toutes les photos sont les miennes sauf autre indication / All photos by me unless stated otherwise