Magazine Culture

Maybe Chair by Andrea Borgogni

Publié le 18 avril 2013 par Koursi @iTahri
Maybe Chair by Andrea Borgogni:mc_160413_01-940x980

Le designer italien Andrea Borgogni a créé la chaise Maybe Chair. Cette chaise est un mélange de plusieurs procédés techniques, les pieds et le dossier en aluminium sont moulés sous pression tandis que l’assise est réalisée en bois. La structure principale en aluminium est composée de deux parties qui s’emboitent pour former une seule pièce, ce qui facilite largement le stockage et ne prend pas beaucoup de place.

From the designer:

Maybe chair is an hybrid of die-cast aluminium technology with craftsmanship of wood. The main structure is split in two part of aluminium die-cast, so it’s easy to storage after production and it can be shipped in a very small box.mc_160413_06-940x1093 Maybe Chair by Andrea Borgogni Maybe Chair by Andrea Borgogni Maybe Chair by Andrea Borgogni Maybe Chair by Andrea Borgogni Maybe Chair by Andrea Borgogni Maybe Chair by Andrea Borgogni Maybe Chair by Andrea Borgogni Maybe Chair by Andrea Borgogni


Tagged: Alu, Aluminium, Andrea Borgogni, bois, chair, chaise, design, hybrid, Maybe chair, wood

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