Porn wahhabisme : des vierges à la peau douce sans crème Nivea !

Publié le 16 avril 2008 par Algy
Quand le cheikh Omar Al-Sweilem se laisse aller à nous décrire le paradis, il semble nous exposer ses fantasmes dans une envolée lyrico-érotique digne d’un scénario interdit au moins de 18 ans….à voir absolument ici

Voici le transcript en anglais.
Omar Al-Sweilem: Harith Ibn Al-Muhasibi told us what would happen when we meet the black-eyed virgin with her black hair and white face – praised be He who created night and day. What hair! What a chest! What a mouth! What cheeks! What a figure! What breasts! What thighs! What legs! What whiteness! What softness! Without any creams – no Nivea, no vaseline. No nothing! He said that faces would be soft that day. Even your own face will be soft without any powder or makeup. You yourself will be soflt, so how soft will a black-eyed virgin be, when she comes to you so tall and with her beautiful face, her black hair and white face - praised be He who created night and day. Just feel her palm, Sheik! He said: How soft will a fingertip be, after being softened in paradise for thousands of years! There is no god but Allah*. He told us that if you entered one of the palaces, you would find ten black-eyed virgins sprawled on musk cushions. Where is Abu Khaled? Here, he has arrived! When they see you, they will get up and run to you. Lucky is the one who gets to put her thumb in your hand. When they get hold of you, they will push you onto your back, on the musk cushions. They will push you onto your back, Jamal! Allah Akbar! I wish this on all people present here. He said that one of them would place her mouth on yours. Do whatever you want. Another one would press her cheek against yours, yet another would press her chest against yours, and the others would await their turn. There is no god but Allah*. He told us that one black-eyed virgin would give you a glass of wine. Wine in Paradise is a reward for your good deeds. The wine of this world is destructive, but not the wine of the world to come.

* Il est recommandé d’invoquer le nom de Dieu quand survient une mauvaise pensée … !!!

NB: Pour tous ceux qui s’apprêtent à la laisser des commentaires concernant la « nature » de MEMRI TV, ne perdez pas votre temps et épargnez vous cet effort. Je sais parfaitement quel est son mode de financement et son objectif; Mon but n’est pas de faire ici de la propagande pour cette chaîne, mais cette envolée lyrico-érotique est un petit bijou qui bien un sourire ou deux !