L’IMEDD inspire le changement et impulse la mobilité douce

Publié le 27 mars 2013 par Imedd @Imeddgroup

One mission and two skills

IMEDD follows one mission: to support public organizations and businesses in their market research and sustainable development strategies, in some sectors under strong CSR pressures, in terms of economic, social and environmental.
Created in 2011 by a passionate in entrepreneurship and sustainable development after 11 years of professional experiences in Market Research Institutes or worldwide businesses, IMEDD brings together organizations around meaningful issues, and assists them in designing and implementing projects, aiming at consolidating a responsible approach.

A Market Research Institute with a global vision

IMEDD’ references in the field of market research and opinion polls led to support and assist different international groups in their strategy, design and execution of researches. IMEDD relies on a skilled business network in several countries, allowing its clients to undertake homogenous and representative researches in order to pilot their projects.
IMEDD is a market and opinion research specialist, with multi experiences and expertises in differents sectors (automotive, energy, telecommunications and IT, banking, insurance, waste, water, media …), for large groups worlwide.
To IMEDD’ credit, several barometric researches (telephone, Internet or Face to Face interviewing systems), which allowed some organizations to work on major issues regarding relationships with customers, usage and expectations, prospective (product/service, price, communication, distribution), reputation, brand awareness, CSR, etc …,
IMEDD positions as a full market and opinion research institute, dedicated to innovation.
IMEDD also wants to position itself in the coming years, as an actor accompanying innovative projects creators (mobility, energy, telecoms, IT …) in their market researches (projects supported by public or private investors).
Besides innovation, IMEDD is an expert regarding researches on relationships with stakeholders, and proposes a model of barometric studies, giving a 360° view on businesses relationships and providing ideas to improve clients, employees and suppliers experiences.

Researches for public organizations are also within IMEDD’ scope with, as example, researches on the implementation of the French Strategic Plan for Environment and Health for the Regional Directorate of Health and Social Affairs of Ile de France, or also studies on the perception of public policies, sociological studies, barometers, etc …
IMEDD also brings its expertise in research, to clusters participating in public procurements procedures, in the context of Agenda 21, Mobility plans for administrations, public consultations, institutional workshops, innovation projects, etc …
Trained and experienced to statistical methods used in research institutes, IMEDD allows public organizations to develop representative researches tools for their territories, and thus builds management tools, providing them with lisibility, allowing them to take the right decisions, and enabling them to share information and communication with their communities.

A global partner for CSR and Sustainable Development

The second part of IMEDD skills is Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development, promoted within its development strategy. The second skill is related to the experiences of IMEDD’ founder, Virginie Lelarge, who led in 2006, in parallel of her professional activity, a Ph.D research project on the following question: "May telework contribute to equality of chances and sustainable development?".
This question deeply linked to sustainable development, suggests that new information and communication technologies allow to undertake a job or a project from home and create new implications: better access to employment, better diversity representation (for example in remote areas), significantly better contribution to the reduction of transports and a creation of economic value for teleworkers (for businesses as well).
This research project built a new skill for IMEDD, now dedicated to businesses: helping them in the design of telework implementation in organizations, with a particular reference, a research for a banking group, to reorganize working times, and a gradual implementation of telework.

From 2007 to 2010, Virginie Lelarge accompanied the creation and monitoring of Monaco Charter on Corporate Social Responsibility from Junior Chamber International Monaco, with more than one hundred of businesses, for which, she designed an Annual Monitoring for CSR actions, addressing economic, social and environmental.
This project was awarded in 2008 and 2009 as Best Goals UN Millennium Projects.
She is also at the origin of the first JCI’s meeting around the Mediterranean on Corporate Social Responsibility.

Since its creation, IMEDD offers businesses and public organizations some ways of innovation with strategic support to CSR, with federating projects, Charters, events, etc …, and providing a particular focus on areas particularly exposed to pressures, related to sustainable development issues: automotive, energy, telecommunications and IT, banking, insurance, waste, water, media …
IMEDD relies on its expertise in researches and CSR, and on a business network committed to advise at best its clients by providing added value and differentiation.
Among its references, Monaco Wood Charter for Businesses from Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, conducted with the support of Monaco Government and MC2D.

Focus on Mobility and Energy: ON THE MOVE FROM MONACO TO THE WORLD

In 2012, with the support of some Monegasque and French communities, especially EVER MONACO, IMEDD launched an international federation project dedicated on sustainable mobility and renewable energies: ON THE MOVE FROM MONACO TO THE WORLD, whose purpose is to provide a platform for stakeholders in mobility and energy to address their strategic and CSR visions, axes of economic growth, social innovations, commitments to environment and practical solutions to respond to sustainable development issues: electric or hybrid vehicles, charging stations, renewable energy solutions, etc …
Besides this aspect, ON THE MOVE FROM MONACO TO THE WORLD also addresses mobility and energy on a public angle, carsharing, transport plans, security …
The project may be found on a bilingual website (French and English), and in a one year of existence, is positioned at international, followed in 94 countries.

With ON THE MOVE FROM MONACO TO THE WORLD, IMEDD provides a committed channel of information and communication initiated for soft mobility and renewable energies, and custom-design services: content strategy, content, visual etc …
The independent nature of IMEDD and therefore, for ​​the project ON THE MOVE FROM MONACO TO THE WORLD, positions it as credible mean of information for Internet users, globally experts in the fields of mobility and energy, but also for some public and private decision makers, considering this website as a complementary advocacy force, to their respective actions.

Focus on mobility, diversity and entrepreneurship: LADIES IN MOBILITY

To provide a "fieldwork" dimension and a strong local anchor to the project ON THE MOVE FROM MONACO TO THE WORLD, IMEDD launched a feminine version focusing on women, with the kind support of Monegasque and French businesses and NGO’s.
So is born, LADIES IN MOBILITY, a skilled and expertised network serving mobility keyplayers, addressing this subject from a female perspective (but not only), and finally not, feminist!

Why women and mobility?
This activity of mobility is traditionally masculine, and the issue of diversity is particularly important.
In addition, many researches show that women are more sensitive to sustainable development issues, that their status of mothers lead them to easier worry for their children health because of the air quality in cities, that often, they rethink their relationships to transport for economic reasons, they are often in charge of CSR issues in businesses, and so mobility and energy, and they represent great channels of communication to inspire and conduct change.
In the same time, they are often isolated, facing difficulties due to paternalistic and hierarchical systems in businesses, which is not always a support for their development.
For all these reasons, women have a different vision, a differentiating way to speak about mobility, and communication capabilities to share ​​associated values to mobility.

The first step for LADIES IN MOBILITY was to build a network anchored in Monaco and PACA region, two linked territories by mobility.
A second step was the creation of an information website dedicated to women, and the launch of a market research panel on women and sustainable mobility, with some 500 participants in a few months, who agreed to share with IMEDD their perception on sustainable development, their use and their attitudes related to energy, mobility, sources of information, decision making when purchasing mobility solutions, perception facing electric vehicle and brand awareness, women roles in society to support the implementation of a softer mobility.
With this research, IMEDD follows the goal to deliver representative results, then IMEDD will propose mobility actors to receive this publication, under conditions.
LADIES IN MOBILITY panel is supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, ADEME, AVERE and the Sustainable Mobility Institute.

The third step was the launch of the format of LADIES IN MOBILITY conferences, with a 1st edition at EVER MONACO (Grimaldi Forum), on March 29, 2013, bringing together Monegasque and French public actors, public and private decision makers, and NGO’s around the following issue: integrating sustainable mobility in smart cities. Several organizations support the Ladies in Mobility’s conference, whose goal is to carry together the transition to softer mobilities in cities.

In less than six months, LADIES IN MOBILITY positioned itself as a player serving mobility, and will continue its mission: it is planned to extend the project in Europe, offering the website information and research panel in Italy, Great Britain and Switzerland.
LADIES IN MOBILITY must now finance the growth of this project, which aims to bring out an information and an online research channel, committed and differentiating on softer mobility.
For this purpose, a financial participation to the network is under consideration, as well as projects aiming at federating mobility actors.

Focus on children, the future generation: BIO LOGIKA

"What may motivate our everyday work more than our children?"
This particular line is in the intimate conviction that if accompanying, explaining and pointing to future generations, that a change is possible, once they become older, they will be able to do so.
For IMEDD, it is important to share the values ​​of sustainable development with children, and its realization is called BIO LOGIKA, a fun and educative game aiming at raising children’s awareness on their surrounding environment.
BIO LOGIKA may be found in 5 versions: biodiversity, Mediterranean, energies, polar ices and mobility and it may be integrated in 120 languages through our partners network.
Using a world map, and with the support of an animator, children discover an environmental theme, ask questions, think about the implications for people and the planet.

BIO LOGIKA has been supported by the Monegasque community, Monacology, Monaco Awareness Week for Children On Environment and Sustainable Development and also by Thalassa eco-village.

IMEDD proposes BIO LOGIKA to different organizations for their event, as example, EVER MONACO or The European Week on Sustainable Mobility, and also in places welcoming children, the aim being to provide these organizations with the opportunity to share environment with children through a funny format.

Who is IMEDD’ target?

IMEDD addresses public organizations, businesses, and more generally people, to inspire and impulse them to change, starting with the sectors at stake: mobility, energy, waste and water.
Its projects are CSR links to study changes related to sustainable development issues, and show new solutions, and the initiating actors.


ON THE MOVE FROM MONACO TO THE WORLD is a link from one of the smallest countries, Monaco, to the world, promoting an ecofriendly mobility and the development of renewable energies.
It responds to a request by the players in these sectors, to make visible their strategies and solutions, and they now consider it, as a serious information channel at international.
France, with its global economic position and its industrial leadership in the field, is also an anchor for this project, as this territorial space has already demonstrated its ability in the history to federate and work in the same direction, which results have led to its headlining in many areas.
ON THE MOVE FROM MONACO TO THE WORLD is a founding base to address change through innovation.

To know more :
IMEDD : http://www.imedd-group.com
ON THE MOVE FROM MONACO TO THE WORLD : http://www.imedd-group.com/onthemove.php
LADIES IN MOBILITY : http://www.ladiesinmobility.com
BIO LOGIKA : http://www.bio-logika.com/mc/