A comment dedicated to Sehrat with a resumption of the searches on the characters with to begin a series of characters where we find the Man and Sehrat (who changed well) but also the rare minor characters about whom I shall not speak for the moment

Je pense que c'est ici où on retrouve le plus mes dernières expérimentations ( c'est con mais ces dernières semaines, j'ai pas mal travaillé sur les nez de mes personnages, repensant leurs volumes notamment)
I love drawing faces. For me, a good penciler owes before any being a penciler of expression, he has to make his characters live.
I think that it is here where we find most my last experiments (it is stupid but these last weeks, I not bad worked on the noses of my characters, rethinking their volumes in particular)
Niveau recherche en pied, je me suis attaqué à un personnage que j'aime beaucoup (et a que de très rares évolutions graphiques) : l'Homme

Not much to add, I love this character and I am satisfied to find it. Still has there some things to be worked as his rifle and its backpack.
En bonus, je vous mets ici quelques gribouillages au bic fait sur des coins de feuilles. C'est une petite sélection parce que dernièrement, j'en ai fait des tonnes.
In bonus, I put you here some scrawls in the ball-point made on corners of sheets. It is a small selection recently, I made it tons.